
This is our life.  The nitty-gritty, day-to-day story of what we’re doing and our adventures as a family.  Sometimes detailed, often mostly a photo journal, filled with lots of pictures of cute little people and occasional longer reflections on Hinds family happenings.

  • A Toast

    A Toast


    This evening was one of the best I have had in a very long time.  I am so far behind on blogging, it’s not even funny…but that’s life — and, who am I kidding, that’s one of the benefits of writing a blog without sponsors: no one gets mad if I just can’t blog for…

  • Five Months

    Five Months


    Today, Miss Zara Bea is five months old. She has the darlingest smile and the most delicious little toes at the end of chunky little legs we just can’t get over. She is a rolly-polly plump baby girl, and after having tiny baby Nora, I’m in love with having a solid baby who quite visably…

  • Blueberry Lemon Cream Pie

    Blueberry Lemon Cream Pie

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    Today was the first full day Chris had off in months.  We slept in, ate pancakes at 10:30, then met the inspector at our almost new house (all’s well on that front), and spent a bunch of time together as a family.  Chris got lots of lazy, put-up-his-feet time on the couch to make up…

  • What a Week

    What a Week


    This week, which started with Chris’ and my sixth wedding anniversary, has been about exactly two things. The biggest of those things being dance.  From ballet, to hip hop and tap, we had a very busy week preparing for this evening’s dance recital extravaganza. This is the first year that Nora did dance and I wasn’t…

  • Finding Home

    Finding Home


    It has been three months since we moved to Wyoming and though we miss our Nantucket life and friends, we’re now fully integrated into our new community and finding things to love.  I started a La Leche League group in April and have been pleased with both the turnout and the support from the community,…

  • And We’re There

    And We’re There


    Any minute now, I am expecting Chris home from his first day of working as the executive chef of a restaurant that is officially open to the public.  We haven’t seen much of him the last few days outside of a few minutes we can sneak in here and there…here and there typically being the…

  • Getting Stuff Done

    Getting Stuff Done

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    It’s two am and I really should be sleeping, but I’m having one of those nights when I can’t stop myself from trying to catch up, at least a little, on my emails, website work, blogging, and a million other things.   One of the big downsides to Chris’ super long work days is that…

  • Restaurant Widow

    Restaurant Widow


    This time of the year on Nantucket was always the worst.  Window boxes were exploding with flowers, cars were draped with daffodils, and fresh spring air was beckoning visitors to meander cobblestone streets and sandy beaches.  The Gray Lady’s winter weather was quickly beginning to buzz with sunny expectations of summer tourist season and, after months…

  • Staying in the Room

    Staying in the Room

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    The longer I go between blog posts, the harder it gets to start back up again. A lapse in blogging starts with family.   A welcome visit from one of my brothers and my maternal grandmother,who came bearing gifts and three days of love for our little girls.Then, when things were settling back into our…

  • Impromptu Road Trip

    Impromptu Road Trip

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    Saturday, we took an impromptu road trip up to a local food expo (more on that tomorrow) in another town over.  This was the first time either of us had been west of our town and I was grateful to have the chance to see a little bit more of our new state on top of some much needed…

  • Film Friday: Little Sack of Sugar

    Film Friday: Little Sack of Sugar

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    This ridiculously cute and adorable baby girl will be three months old tomorrow.  And, oh, does she melt my heart.  I don’t have any weight or length info to report because we’re still waiting on our insurance to be set up, but each day it seems Zara gets a little chubbier and I think I could…

  • Playing Catch Up

    Playing Catch Up


    I know, I know…that last blog post was a total cop-out.  I kind of love Wednesdays because it lets me post something even when I don’t have time to type — which was especially lovely last week because I was able to play photo dump catch-up and this week when I had a bunch of…