Housewife Challenges

Tracking progress toward personal goals during my stay-at-home mom days, mostly on Nantucket.  You can read more about the thoughts behind my Housewife Challenges here.

  • Film Friday: “Yoga” With Two

    Film Friday: “Yoga” With Two

    We made a movie!  A simple one, but hey, something good enough to share for Film Friday, and that is pretty darn exciting. I enjoyed watching all of our old videos last week after we filmed Nora’s birthday interview and so I decided I might try to do an occasional Film Friday post again.  And,…

  • Getting Stuff Done

    Getting Stuff Done

    in , ,

    It’s two am and I really should be sleeping, but I’m having one of those nights when I can’t stop myself from trying to catch up, at least a little, on my emails, website work, blogging, and a million other things.   One of the big downsides to Chris’ super long work days is that…

  • Revisiting Resolutions

    Revisiting Resolutions


    Do you still think about your New Years Resolutions?  (Did you make them in the first place?)  I’ve been thinking a lot about my resolutions lately and how I’ve been doing (or not) on them.  You may remember these were my goals for 2012: And on top of those goals, I also have my ongoing…

  • Not June Cleaver

    Not June Cleaver


    I love sitting in a clean house.  I love knowing that every room is picked up, the floors are fur free (at least until someone pets the dog — NO ONE PET THE DOG!!), and there isn’t a single dish festering in the sink; knowing that I can sit guilt free at the computer and…

  • Will Power…Or Not

    Will Power…Or Not


    For St. Patrick’s Day/my birthday, I made car bomb cupcakes, then headed off to my monthly potluck group to share them with friends. Guinness, whiskey, baileys, and chocolate, what’s not to love?  (P.S., that’s St. Patty’s green avocado frosting for the kids.)  This is one of my favorite Smitten Kitchen recipes.  And with just a few…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    I know that come summer, when the sun stays up until 8:00, I’ll be really glad for “spring forward” and how much easier it makes bedtime, but on days like this (during weeks like this), when I have multiple websites to work on, clients to meet with, and tiny tumblers to play with, every hour…

  • Dalai Lama

    Dalai Lama


    Chris found this Dalai Lama quote on Reddit and I thought it was worth sharing between working on websites. And also, there’s this: We are following through with trying to sell our car, as per our New Year’s resolution to simplify and eliminate debt. Chris cleaned up the interior and exterior, and I finally listed…

  • 2012 Resolutions

    2012 Resolutions


    Happy New Year!! Because it makes them more real if they are shared, these are my New Year’s Resolutions – things I want to accomplish in 2012 in no particular order: Blog every day at Au Coeur Take more videos of Nora and edit and share them Blog Monday-Friday on the Papoose Blog Have/let Nora…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    Happy Sunday! I’m pleased as punch to be writing this report card because I feel like I’ve been so spot on lately.  The house is in a state of cleanliness I feel good about more often than not.  Through I didn’t go the last two weeks because of Chris’ schedule, I now have a regular…

  • Spilled Milk

    Spilled Milk

    Every so often, not too frequently, I have a day when I wish I could completely check out as a parent; when I wonder, why am I staying at home with my still(!?!)-nursing toddler instead of putting her in daycare and going to work where I can interact with grown ups and go more than…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    The biggest accomplishment of this week?  Nora’s room is finally finished!You may have noticed when I unveiled her newly decorated bedroom that she didn’t have anything besides a sheet on her bed.  I was having a really hard time deciding what get for her bed.  Many toddler bedding sets have characters on them, which are not my…

  • Report Card


    Today, I win. It’s Chris’ birthday and even though he said not to worry about it, he doesn’t want a cake, etc., etc.  I knew there was no way the day could slide by normally.  Not after the amazing two weeks worth of fun we had for Nora’s birthday.  Not when the day miraculously fell…