Amber’s Blog
Thanksgiving Part 2
We’re nearly at the end of December, so it seems like I ought to take the time to share photos from the second half of our trip to Austin, visiting with Chris’ mom, step-dad, siblings and extended family. When we first arrived, we had a little time warp forward to this month: Chris’s brother and…
Thanksgiving Part 1
Our little family went to Texas! This Thanksgiving, Chris’ family very, very generously offered to buy us plane tickets so that we could visit his hometown for the first time in more than 4 years. After a very short discussion about the harm (or lack there of) of letting Nora miss two days of kindergarten,…
Post November Gratitude
📍 ColoradoApparently, I needed a little blogging break and didn’t even know it. I’m not sure that I’ve every gone as long between posts as I did between now and and my previous post – a whole month – and I’m already feeling rusty from the absence of writing. Even though I did not manage a…
Preparing for November and 30 Days of Thanks
Fall is flying by. It seems like only just recently we were choosing pumpkins at a pumpkin patch and now I realized we need to carve them tonight because tomorrow is Halloween! I cannot believe that October is ending. Actually, it’s not that I can’t believe it, it is that I am completely in denial about…
Torn: Stay at Home Mom, Working Mom, and Everything In-Between
📍 ColoradoTuesday has become one of my favorite days of the week. We get up, I pack lunches for not one but two little girls, then I drop them both off at their respective schools and return to a quiet house where I have six blissful hours with just me and my computer. This past year, one…
Saturday Surfing
📍 ColoradoIt seems like it has been forever since I actually managed to get one of these out and my bookmarks folder is exploding with links, so I figured I would make time for a little Saturday Surfing post. Also, I’m ahead on website work and the girls were at their first ever night-time babysitting co-op…
A Jaunt Through Old Town
I have been quite the slacker about photographing the girls and blogging during the past few weeks. I’ve had a lot of client logos and websites eating up my time, and have also been in super preservation mode. Our rental house has a very prolific apple tree which lead me to rediscover my enthusiasm for…
Grandpa John Visits + A Trip To The Denver Zoo
Chris’ dad came up for a visit last week much to everyone’s delight. Nora especially was excited about his visit for one reason: sausage. Every time John comes, he buys her breakfast sausage and makes it for breakfast every single day. We don’t buy it for our poor deprived children, who apparently love breakfast sausage…
Northern Colorado Urban Homestead Tour
This weekend we went on the Northern Colorado Urban Homestead Tour. The tour was a fundraiser for The Gardens at Spring Creek in Fort Collins and featured three houses in Fort Collins and three houses in Loveland which opened up their backyards to visitors. Chris and I have been dreaming about the possibility of growing more…
Film Friday: Our Camping Trip
📍 ColoradoJust in case you didn’t get enough of our camping trip, I also made a little video with clips from it. I really cannot wait until next summer when we decide to take the plunge and get our own tent so we can be out in the woods on a regular basis. There is almost…
In the Mountains
This weekend we fulfilled one of my 30 before 30 goals and took the girls for their first ever camping trip. Friday night we loaded up the car with a borrowed tent and piles of blankets, and headed up to a campground buried in frost and fog. We have been going to the Unitarian church…
Film Friday: Conversations with Zara
in Film Friday📍 ColoradoI promised some more videos of Zara, so here’s a little idea of what a conversation with her is like at 20 months. This video was taken the last week of August, just before she stared going to “school.” And for fun, here is a clip of Nora from around the same age. 🙂
Nora at 5
in Film Friday📍 ColoradoNora is 5!! We celebrated her birthday today with a party with friends. The theme was Frozen, of course, because it is her favorite thing (like all pretty much every other five-year-old American girl) and I’ve given up fighting the Disney princess mania. After her party, we took a few minutes to record her birthday…
Days With One
Tuesday, Zara took a big step and headed off to her first day of “school.” With the amount of work I have been doing, Chris and I decided it would be good for me to get some extra daylight work hours in, so we signed Zara up for a toddler program two mornings each week.…