young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Tomato, Fennel, and “Sausage” Soup

    Tomato, Fennel, and “Sausage” Soup


    When daffodils wave to us as we circle the rotary and I start to get antsy for color in my window boxes, I know spring is coming.  I can’t help but get excited for warmer weather and opening blossoms; each year it’s just as exciting as before, like a gift waiting to be opened under…

  • Pennies for Jena

    Pennies for Jena


    Today is Jena Cassalina’s 19th birthday.  A little over five years ago, at the age of thirteen, she took her last breath while waiting for a double lung transplant and fighting cystic fibrosis.  I never had the honor of knowing beautiful Jena, but I do have the honor of calling her amazing mother, Margarete, my…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    I know that come summer, when the sun stays up until 8:00, I’ll be really glad for “spring forward” and how much easier it makes bedtime, but on days like this (during weeks like this), when I have multiple websites to work on, clients to meet with, and tiny tumblers to play with, every hour…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Breastfeeding Around the World, InCulture Parent — A good look at breastfeeding exclusivity and duration throughout the world, with wonderful pictures.  Don’t miss the last photo! Impact of State Laws That Extend Eligibility for Parents’ Health Insurance Coverage to Young Adults, Pediatrics — Peer Reviewed Study: States that expanded eligibility to parents’…

  • Film Friday: Playing Through February
  • Resilience



    This week, our island has been mourning the untimely loss of a beloved partner, father, and community member.  Tonight, Nantucket joined together to honor him; though I did not really know him or his family and did not attend, I have thought of him often since hearing the news Monday. Tonight, Nora and I visited…

  • Two and a Half

    Two and a Half


    Today is Nora’s half birthday and she is officially two and a half (though I have been telling people that since January). We love celebrating our little girl and half birthdays are the perfect excuse to do so; we haven’t missed a half birthday since Nora’s first party, when our friends came over at 6…

  • Southwestern Israeli Couscous Salad

    Southwestern Israeli Couscous Salad


    Apparently, last fall, I made a bean and couscous salad for a potluck, and Miss E’s mama loved it.  When she was planning Miss E’s birthday party, she asked me, would I mind making it again?  No, I don’t mind, I said, but one problem…as I commonly just make things up based on whatever I…

  • Quick Home Post

    Quick Home Post


    The last few days have been both amazing and stressful.  Friday, Nora and I headed off island to join two of our Nantucket Friends at the Mass., Rhode Island, Vermont La Leche League Conference.It was, by all accounts, wonderful, educational and perfect — except for the part where Nora got a mysterious illness which resulted…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Comedians Take on the Republican Opposition to Women’s Reproductive Rights, The Daily Beast — go watch this Funny or Die spoof on the “panel of experts” testifying about contraceptive coverage, it’s hilarious. DIY Puffy Cloud Mobile, Finley and Oliver — Cute Party and easy felt sewing tutorial all in one. Don’t…

  • Homemade Playdough

    Homemade Playdough


    It’s been quite a while since I have shared a recipe and now I’m going to share one that isn’t even for eating. Last week, Nora and I made our first ever batch of play dough.  I was inspired back in December by the homemade play dough at Miss O’s birthday party, which was identical…

  • Officially Introducing…

    Officially Introducing…


    After more than a month’s work, writing policies and setting prices, designing and developing, I am excited to finally share my web design(+) website. Chris and I have come to realize that no matter how hard I work at Papoose, it is going to be very slow progress to the final realization of my dream.…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    I know I haven’t been around much lately.  Darn those New Year’s resolutions…it’s only February and already I’m falling off the wagon. I’ve been lost in the fog of web design, if you will.  I’m at a variety of stages on a few different projects, one of which I’ll share with you tomorrow, so I was busy…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Eliza, Our Only Only Child, My Angle of Repose — a cute description of her daughter’s imaginary friend. The infamous Chipotle video: will it help get rid of gestation crates?, Food Politics  — If you haven’t seen Chipotle’s video, you have to go watch it.  “Willis claims that his relatively free-range…