Report Card


I know I haven’t been around much lately.  Darn those New Year’s resolutions…it’s only February and already I’m falling off the wagon.

I’ve been lost in the fog of web design, if you will.  I’m at a variety of stages on a few different projects, one of which I’ll share with you tomorrow, so I was busy doing that, and chasing Nora from one activity to the next.  Which is why I haven’t been blogging every day like I hoped; why I haven’t blogged over at Papoose for weeks.  Why there are baskets and baskets of laundry sitting in three different rooms of my house.

But I’m looking forward, not back.

And, despite the tragedy of again being stuck with only a cell phone camera, I’m focusing on what’s going right: mostly hitting my grocery bill targets (even if I now buy two half gallons of milk every week instead of one), surprisingly keeping up with floor mopping, the end of one Tiny Tumblers series leading into another, and sunny weather bringing lots and lots of time outdoors with my little one.After Chris’ vacation, we’re finally settling back into our normal routines of play group and library days.We’ve been doing creative things like making homemade pla ydough and a little sewing too, for Nora’s bestest friend’s birthday.A tiny sweet skirt for Miss E in her family tartan, to match the sling I made for her mama after little M’s birth.We knew Miss E liked it, because as soon as she unwrapped it, she put it on and gave Nora a great big hug.Which was twice as cute thanks to their matching Cat in the Hat hats.  Yes, we all oohed and awwed and took a million pictures.

I’m also looking forward to a little time off-island next week with friends, when Nora and I go to the LLL conference, and my birthday not long after which will (hopefully) mean a new camera.  I have a ton of things to share this week.  If all goes well, a post each day might actually happen.

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4 responses

  1. So talented!!! Give yourself a pat on the back. Hope you get your new camera! Extra reason: useful for your web design–can you write off as a business expense? Have fun with Nora at the LLL Conference!

    1. Yes, that’s the plan! I want to be able to offer photography to my website clients, so hopefully I can write it off as an expense. I’ve been wanting a DSLR for a while, this is just going to make me take the leap, so maybe it’s a good thing!

  2. LOVE the skirt and sling!!! Thanks so much 🙂 E and I should wear both to the conference!

    1. I’m so glad you like them! xoxo

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