Report Cards

  • Revisiting Resolutions

    Revisiting Resolutions


    Do you still think about your New Years Resolutions?  (Did you make them in the first place?)  I’ve been thinking a lot about my resolutions lately and how I’ve been doing (or not) on them.  You may remember these were my goals for 2012: And on top of those goals, I also have my ongoing…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    I know that come summer, when the sun stays up until 8:00, I’ll be really glad for “spring forward” and how much easier it makes bedtime, but on days like this (during weeks like this), when I have multiple websites to work on, clients to meet with, and tiny tumblers to play with, every hour…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    I know I haven’t been around much lately.  Darn those New Year’s resolutions…it’s only February and already I’m falling off the wagon. I’ve been lost in the fog of web design, if you will.  I’m at a variety of stages on a few different projects, one of which I’ll share with you tomorrow, so I was busy…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    I need to manage my time better.  I just spent 20 minutes deciding on/editing/uploading on a new cover photo for my Facebook timeline.  The dishes are done, the bathroom is clean, and the floors were swept yesterday, but mopping just isn’t going to happen.  Again.  I need to finish a proposal for a web design…

  • Report Card + 30 Days of Thanks


    I have a new Sunday routine, starting with going to bed early Saturday night (around 10:00) and then getting up early Sunday to go to yoga.  This morning, I hauled my bike out of the basement since we’re experimenting with not using the car, and biked to the studio.  I felt stiff and achy on the way…

  • 30 Days of Thanks, Report Card

    30 Days of Thanks, Report Card

    in ,

    I haven’t run the gauntlet recently because, as I’ve mentioned, I haven’t really been meeting all my goals lately.  I’ve been buying fancy produce, eggs, dairy, and cheese at the grocery store like there’s no tomorrow.  I skipped out on yoga again this morning because I finally decided it was time to get the laundry out of baskets…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    How is Thanksgiving the week after next? How are we already 13 days into November and this little project of thankfulness? I was just talking today with my friend Laura about how fast the fall has zoomed by. But, I guess, time flies when you’re having fun, right? Newest Website Launch And have I been…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    Happy Sunday! I’m pleased as punch to be writing this report card because I feel like I’ve been so spot on lately.  The house is in a state of cleanliness I feel good about more often than not.  Through I didn’t go the last two weeks because of Chris’ schedule, I now have a regular…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    Not too much to report — or maybe I’m just feeling lazy after today’s amazing Indian Summer picnic and romp through the park.Yes, those are short-sleeves and barefeet…and I was wearing a tank-top.  That’s what I get for blogging about fleece and tights!Not that we’re going to complain about extra days of summer, no m’am.Of…

  • Report Card


    Today, I win. It’s Chris’ birthday and even though he said not to worry about it, he doesn’t want a cake, etc., etc.  I knew there was no way the day could slide by normally.  Not after the amazing two weeks worth of fun we had for Nora’s birthday.  Not when the day miraculously fell…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    The last five days have been jam-packed, but I couldn’t have been happier with how they’ve turned out and how much I’ve been getting done.  I’m not even sure which thing I’m most excited about… There’s my very first attempt at appliqueing which, though obviously not store-quality, didn’t actually turn out that bad. The nearly perfect…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    Quick Irene Report For our worried friends and relatives, we were much luckier than than many and didn’t see a single drop of rain.  In fact, we woke up to bright and shiny skies that persisted through much of the day.  Most of the concern on Nantucket were high speed winds, astronomically high tides, and very dangerous…