Report Cards

  • Report Card

    Report Card

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    Today, I’m going to talk about one thing: sewing. ย Not only have I been actually doing it, but I’m actually making things that don’t look like they were sewn in home economics class. ย Yes! ย Ten points for housewifeย challengeย number four. ย Myย latest and most thrilling project?A curtain for Nora’s play kitchen. ย Isn’t it adorable? In “researching” play…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    This little check-in is all about food. Wonderful delicious food that I will be sharing with you throughout the week, because I have a backlog of recipes: sea bass with roasted fennel, carrot, and potatoes; rice pudding; strawberry crumb muffins; and white lasagna. We’ve been eating really well around here, enjoying summer fruits as side…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    When did I last write a report card?ย  Weeks and weeks ago…so here’s a quick explaination incase you forgot (or are new here).ย  “Report Cards” are supposed to be my weekly reporting on how I’m doing with my Housewife Challenges which are my goals for myself, whether parenting, personal, or household related, and my attempts…

  • Report Card

    I love Sundays, I really do.ย  But then, it’s hard not to love a day that starts out with Chris letting me sleep in.Saturdays and Sundays, Chris gets up early with Nora and I get to enjoy a bed to myself for a few hours.ย  He has to put a baby gate at the bottom…

  • Report Card


    Sorry for the lack of a Saturday Surfing post yesterday.ย  I was pretty busy this week with my father-in-law’s visit on top of, well, life:I also spent quite a bit more time trying to figure out the grocery budget.ย  Chris and I collaborated on a list of all of our staples and I went out…

  • Report Card


    Even though it seems like all we do is play and wear toddlers around here, I actually have been pretty good about keeping up with my housewife challenges.

  • Report Card


    I spent a lot of time this week thinking of t-shirts the International Baccalaureate students in my high school used to wear: ย  Sleep is for the Weak.ย  I need one of those shirts. I’m not sure if I can remember going to bed before midnight.ย  Even now, it’s 12:02 am, but I know wont…

  • Report Card


    I love being able to type the words “another good week.”ย  Because it was another good week, and I feel so content looking back on it. I got some yoga in – even if it was 15 minutes here and there with a toddler climbing all over and under me. I dug Nora’s toddler car…

  • Report Card


    Happy Sunday and happy first report card of the year…go New Year’s resolutions! This week was an interesting mix of mostly being on track and a few small disasters…largely in the kitchen.ย  We’ve been talking about spending our our Christmas money and some of my consulting money on a portable dishwasher, which I would love!!ย …

  • Resolutions

    It’s a little late, but I do have some New Year’s resolutions.ย  I’ve been thinking about setting realistic goals for the new year (Simple Mom has a great post on this) and decided just to set three of them: Do better at the Housewife Challenges. Stop being a housewife. Don’t let 2 get in the…

  • December 4th


    Today I was going to get back on track with my report cards.ย  I haven’t written one for a while (try since October 2nd) and I really do want to make a point of regularly checking in with myself and the Housewife Challenges.ย  Plus, it’s been a good week around here: I’m writing this in…

  • What Do You Do Allย Day?

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    Time is a really interesting thing.ย  When I was still working outside the home, it felt like the hours, days, and weeks just flew by.ย  At work, I would be so engrossed in what I was doing, I sometimes had to set a reminder to pop up on my computer and tell me to go…