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This little check-in is all about food. Wonderful delicious food that I will be sharing with you throughout the week, because I have a backlog of recipes: sea bass with roasted fennel, carrot, and potatoes; rice pudding; strawberry crumb muffins; and white lasagna.

We’ve been eating really well around here, enjoying summer fruits as side dishes, in baked goods, and in homemade Popsicles:(this particular one also has nearly a half pound of spinach in it too…evil clever mom-trickery.)And she thought she was getting “dessert”.  Hah.

But what’s really making our tummies happy are vegetables.  Lots and lots of fresh, Nantucket-grown vegetables.

Remember how I was mourning a summer without a CSA?  How our budget just couldn’t handle the high cost of Nantucket grown produce?  Well, just in the nick of time, someone told me about Hummock Pond Farm, which offers a working share!  In exchange for a dramatic discount on the price of the CSA, I’m spending 2-3 hours every Saturday afternoon weeding at the farm.  This week was the second week and so far I think I’m getting the better end of the deal.  Nora and I get to play in the dirt and eat lots of organic, delicious produce; our budget is happy because it’s costing us just $18/week.  A complete win!

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2 responses

  1. Lovelorn Poets Avatar
    Lovelorn Poets

    That is great! Before Jonathan left Brook Farm he reduced the working/volunteer discount so much that it wasn’t worth it to volunteer this year – I was kind of bummed that. Glad you found a CSA that works for you! Looking forward to the new recipes.

  2. That’s wonderful!! Fun for you and Nora!

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