30 Days of Thanks

Celebrating life and emphasizing thankfulness, even at moments when it feels like there isn’t much for which to be thankful.  A gratitude project contributed to for 30 days every November.

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    How is Thanksgiving the week after next? How are we already 13 days into November and this little project of thankfulness? I was just talking today with my friend Laura about how fast the fall has zoomed by. But, I guess, time flies when you’re having fun, right? Newest Website Launch And have I been…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: No Time for Surfing


    I hope you aren’t too disappointed, but I’m going to cop out of Saturday Surfing today.  The last few days have been jammed packed, and though good, they were definitely exhausting.  Not only have we been busy here, with friends and toddler fun, but I’ve also been working on websites and getting more active with…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Friday Fun


    Today, I am thankful for: Toddler birthday parties full of cute Elmo decorations(and how excited Nora was to see all those Elmo decorations), fun activities, novel new things (I must have forgotten how amazing temporary tattoos are), and delicious food. As we left Miss O’s birthday party this afternoon, I found myself wondering why we…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Just in Time


    I almost wasn’t able to rally and get this post up.  I felt sort of blah all day (perfect match for the weather) and then the unthinkable happened…our computer had a major crash.  Which means I spent a couple hours before Chris came home worrying about my files — most specifically my pictures and videos…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Nantucket Cranberry Pie

    30 Days of Thanks: Nantucket Cranberry Pie

    Crust: An Amber Adaption, Filling: Barely adapted from Joan E. AllerSee more recipes here I’m sort of proud of myself: I managed to make it 8 days without talking about food.  Because, oh boy, am I thankful for some of the delicious food in our life. Today, there are two things worth mentioning: the delicious picnic lunch…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Perfect Moments Caught


    Sometimes when I look at the two of them, I feel like my heart is going to explode.  Really, how did I get so lucky? I love catching little moments like this on camera.  Moments where everything is completely and utterly perfect; where everything is blue-skies, love, happiness and toddler laughter floating on ocean breezes.…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Report Card

    Happy Sunday! I’m pleased as punch to be writing this report card because I feel like I’ve been so spot on lately.  The house is in a state of cleanliness I feel good about more often than not.  Through I didn’t go the last two weeks because of Chris’ schedule, I now have a regular…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Saturday Surfing

    Finds of the Week: Apple and Pomegranate Brussels Sprout Salad, Joy the Baker — This looks delicious, healthy, and easy.  Yum. Free superhero reward chart printable!, Small for Big — We discovered a month or so ago how effective sticker were as a potty training reward for Nora — she finally asks to go!  Though…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Facebook

    Mark Zuckerberg will be so pleased: today the thing I am most thankful for is When Facebook came to my college (back in the day when it was only for college students), it took me a while to warm to the idea.  When they added Twitter-like statuses, it took months before I posted a single…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Halloween


    Yes, I’m still here.  No, Nantucket did not get buried in the October snowstorm that hit the east coast last weekend.  I’ve just been busy…and lazy about blogging.  But I promise I won’t miss a day at all this month.  It’s a new month and I’m starting a new blog project: 30 Days of Thanks.…