30 Days of Thanks: Saturday Surfing

Finds of the Week:

One of my favorite people, Michael Pollan, on The Colbert Report

Etsy Love, because it’s mitten weather!

1. Fingerless gloves with flap hand knit of wool  2. Wool mittens with felted flowers 3. Wool Mittens 4. Knitted Red mittens  5. Knit Crochet Baby Mitten Cocoon 6. Fashion Crochet Fingerless Gloves 7. Whale Mittens Felted Wool in Blue and Grey 8. Mittens in Traditional Scandinavian Snowflake Pattern  9.  Puppy Dog – Hat & Mitten Set

See more of my Etsy favorites here.

And what am I thankful about today?

1.  That Chris was smart enough to block the vent in our bedroom, which doesn’t close, with a piece of cardboard; that means the upstairs of the house no longer feels like the tropics.  Last night was the first cool night I didn’t wake up sweating and uncomfortable and cursing the fact that I can’t turn the heat down any further because Nora’s room is downstairs where it’s a normal 62F.  It only took us a year of living here to figure that solution out, but it’s wonderful!

2. That my landlords came today, which prompted us to clean,clean, clean the house this morning and now I have the whole day ahead of me.

3.  That Nora is actually napping (first time since Wednesday) so I can write this post!

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2 responses

  1. Mari, small for big Avatar
    Mari, small for big

    Thanks for the mention and good luck! Potty training around my house seems like its going on and on and on!

    1. Yes, us too. Nora has been diaper free except for naps and nighttime since 18 months…but only sometimes initiates and rarely takes herself.

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