30 Days of Thanks
Celebrating life and emphasizing thankfulness, even at moments when it feels like there isn’t much for which to be thankful. A gratitude project contributed to for 30 days every November.
Some January Thankfulness
Today was Nora’s first dentist appointment. She was a rock star: super brave and happy to let him do everything he needed for a brief tooth counting and cleaning session. Being able to truly communicate with her does wonders; whereas a year ago an unknown man talking to her or a strange place with new…
30 Days of Thanks: Patience
Today started out exactly the way it ended, with meltdowns and tears over something seemingly pointless to an adult and yet very, very important in Nora’s three year old world. Like having leftover cranberry sauce cooked into her oatmeal after she said, “Yes, I want cranberry sauce in my oatmeal” or the fact that the blanket on her…
30 Days of Thanks: Something to Dance About
Just popping in between websites and logo designing to share my gratitude for the day and this photo of Nora from one of our recent dance parties:She is so into putting on “shows” right now and so we have built Pandora dance parties into our bedtime routine. Sometimes I get to dance too, but mostly…
30 Days of Thanks: Tree Lighting
Nora woke up this morning with a cough, so we stuck close to home with the one exception of going into town for the Christmas tree lighting and carols. Not that we would have participated in Black Friday consumer madness anyway, but today I am thankful for a simple day at home and that the…
30 Days of Thanks: Thanksgiving
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and stuffed themselves just full enough with wonderful food. We had a wonderful feast filled with all the usual suspects,minus the turkey, of course, and with a few delicious chef Chris twists. We did our normal holiday division of labor: I bake the pies and rolls the night before, and…
30 Days of Thanks: Being a Renter
I don’t think I ever thought I would say it…but I am very thankful to be a renter right now. Between Chris’s work situation, the damage to our roof during the nor’easter, and the fact that my washing machine broke last week (you may have seen this photo on Facebook of Nora and me…
30 Days of Thanks: Fresh Air
I’ve been in a bit of a funk the last couple days, largely because of the uncertainty of what’s going on with our lives right now. I wrote a little over a week ago about Chris’ not good work news, but I didn’t go into great detail because I wasn’t quite ready to accept or…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: Building a Breastfeeding Culture, Breastfeeding Medicine — A look at what it takes for mothers to breastfeed successfully. “To change a behavior, an individual needs to answer two questions: “Is it worth it?” and “Can I do it?” Too often, in breastfeeding, we stop with one question, and then wonder why our…
30 Days of Thanks: Work, Library, Books and Hot Pasties on a Cold Day
I’m going to cheat a little bit and take advantage of that handy-dandy, post-in-the-past feature that WordPress has, so I can pretend that I wrote this post yesterday when I actually intended to. As usual, I sat down to do work last night after tucking Nora in and became so engrossed in turning this website…
30 Days of Thanks: Diwali
Way, way back when…actually, even further back to when I was a junior in high school, I thought I was in love with an Indian boy. That relationship is one big complicated story best told over a beer (or three), but the short of it is that, 2.5 years later when the relationship finally untangled…
30 Days of Thanks: Sweater Weather
I have a million photos I want to edit and share from the weekend and my house is almost a disaster, so I’ll admit when I took Nora to school this morning only to realize that Veteran’s Day=no school, I might have been more than a little disappointed. She only goes two mornings each week,…