Amber’s Blog
Perfect Day
I had today off from work, and it was wonderful! I went to the doctor this morning, ran a few errands, hung out by the pool in the sunshine with Margarete for 3+ hours, came home and relaxed, then went to yoga. It was a great relaxing day! My doctor’s visit went well – I’m…
Baby Shower
Yesterday, my New York friends threw me a surprise baby shower, complete with all kinds of silly baby shower games. Trish, it would seem, is the game master – she had all kinds of fun planned for us, from one-handed diapering relays, to pictionary and baby bottle chugging races. I haven’t laughed that much in…
The Countdown
We’re really getting close now, with less than a month on the countdown. Both Chris and I are getting excited to meet baby — and getting a lot more serious about getting all that gear. I finalized our registry at Waddle ‘N’ Swaddle this week (adding a carrier, wet bags, and a breast pump –…
We got a crib!!!! My grandma Norma bought us and baby a beautiful crib and today Marc, our friend/neighbor/landlord picked it up from Babies’R’Us for us with his truck and brought it to our house. It’s still in the box because we aren’t sure if it’ll fit in baby’s room with the double bed still…
Baby Blankets
We received two wonderful gifts of handmade blankets for the baby recently. The first was knit by my Grandma White, a beautiful white baby afghan, before her carpal tunnel surgery, none the less! And the second is a quilt made by one of my P.E.O. sisters, Carol, in just a month! Both blankets are almost…
Last week we went cherry picking and managed to find a few good ones. A lot of the cherries this year are pretty bland and watery, and many of them had split due to all of the rain we’ve been having. (Interesting fact: according to the Mohonk Lake Weather Station there were just five days…
Doulas and List Making
Chris and I met with two doulas this morning, Mavis and Liz from Gentle Care Doula Service, to get to know them and learn a little bit more about what they offer. Wondering what a doula is? There’s a really great article in the Chronogram, a local magazine, and even more details can be found…
CSA & 58 Days to Go
This morning was a bright-and-early for both Chris and me. He to one of his last days working in American Bounty, and I went to the farm at 6 am for work hours. I picked snap peas for two hours, cleaned the eyes off of potatoes, helped set up the tables for distribution, and washed…
Weigh In
Friday was my seventh month appointment. It kind of fun going and seeing how much I weigh now since we don’t have a scale at home. 146 lbs! Four more than last month and my belly is 29 cm. The doctor said I have a “cute little boy belly” (meaning it’s all out in front).…
Seventh Month
June 1st marked the beginning of our seventh month – with an expanding belly to prove it. I traveled to Dallas to visit my mom for a long Memorial Day weekend, where we had a mini baby-shower BBQ with some of Chris and my friends. Our friends Sarah and Matt came; they were married the…
The Long Post
So Chris and I have been slackers this month, that’s for sure. But here’s a random post to (hopefully) make up for it. First up, baby news: I had my six month appointment Thursday morning. Twenty-Five weeks, I can’t believe it! I met Helen, the second midwife in the practice, which was good because I’ll…
Ready For Spring
It’s almost safe planting time in the northeast and Chris and I spent the weekend getting ready. I have pretty big plans this spring, since I feel like this is a house that we’ll stay in for a few years. I ordered berries and rhubarb from our county extension office last month. Ten Strawberry plants,…
It’s A Boy! …Maybe…
Last weekend, on a business trip to Vermont, I was lucky enough to get to stay at Mim’s and Papa’s house. (Yay, molasses cookies!!! And, German chocolate cake.) Mim and my Aunt Leslie did the ol’ ring-on-a-string test on me to determine if baby is a boy or girl. And boy, did the ring swing…
Big Week
It’s been a big week for the Hinds family. Yup, we’re a family again…meet Pip. Though he’s no Puck, Chris and I were happy to adopt a little red dog this week from Puerto Rico, of all places. He’s about a year old, is some sort of Pariah-type and is tiny by our standards, only…