young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Why I Married Chris

    Why I Married Chris


    Well, one of the reasons, any way…   Homemade Ravioli!!!   And here’s some pictures from after dinner when both Nora and I were really happy…  

  • Dad’s Visit

    Dad’s Visit


    Well, my dad left Friday and we had a great (busy!) visit.  He helped me out with quite a few house things I’d never gotten around to doing, like pianting, getting a second garage door opener, and putting our towel bars on right.  We also went to eat a Chris’ resturant and visited the Walkway…

  • Future Supermodel

    Future Supermodel


    Nora is one month old today! Grandpa Rik, my dad, came for a visit yesterday and we’re having a great time – and keeping very busy!  Today, we ran all kinds of errands, including getting the Toyota washed, going to the grocery store, and to Home Depot for painting supplies (dad offered to help me…

  • A Smile

    A Smile


    I finally managed to catch a smile on camera! And, because I think they’re so cute, check out her new diaper  cover (we’ve come a long way from rubber pants…)

  • A Whole Night

    A Whole Night


    First the baby news:  Last night, Nora slept from 12:30 am until 7:30 am.  Holy cow, it was great!  (And as a result, I’ve been doing laundry and I even swept the kitchen floor – yay for feeling well rested!) So, yesterday was Chris’ first official day of work at Painter’s Tavern.  Remember them?  He…

  • Three Weeks

    Three Weeks


    Nora is three weeks old today! In honor of her three week “birthday,” here are some pictures from the week. Daddy and Nora Nap Time    Super Cute Baby Feet        Cloth diapers finally fit! Hey, maybe bath time isn’t so bad… Nora’s birthday card for dad is almost as big as her!…

  • Welcome Home

    Welcome Home


    We’ve had Nora home for a week now and have been having a great time with her. She is very easy going (with the exception of the first time Chris and I tried to bathe her – it was too cold) and has been letting us sleep 4-5 hours at a time at night. She…

  • Nora



    Meet Nora! Eleanor Margarete Hinds Born Sunday, September 6, 2009 at 3:47 pm 7lbs 4 oz 20 inches long details and birth story to follow…

  • 41 Weeks & 1 Day

    41 Weeks & 1 Day


    Well, we had an interesting doctors appointment today. Chris picked me up from work at 1:00 and we headed, first, to Northern Dutchess for a sonogram and a peek at baby. Baby scored 8/8 on the biophysical profile and looks great. We could even see him or her practicing breathing the amniotic fluid in and…

  • The 10th Month

    The 10th Month


    Still hanging in there and hanging out. I worked all week this week. It was slowing down a bit since the semester starts Monday, but still relatively busy (I had to finalize my goals for 2009-2010). It wasn’t bad, though, that baby decided to give me this week, because it let me do that and…

  • Due Date

    Due Date


    Well, that’s it, I’m officially in the 10th month and 40th week of being pregnant – thank goodness I feel so great, because this baby has some serious procrastination genes (from both sides). I’m surprised we didn’t get more phone calls today – just one from my brother Brandon. And it was probably a pretty…

  • Peaches



    Chris and I had a very busy and productive last weekend (hopefully!) before the baby comes. I did laundry, swept and mopped; Chris organized the pantry and cleaned the bathtubs. And, of course, this was a weekend for one of my favorite hobbies: canning! Last Sunday, Chris and I went to the Peach & Wine…

  • The News Is…

    The News Is…


    No news. Sorry. Boy, yesterday was the day for phone calls. I suppose everyone is getting a little bit anxious to hear about grandbaby, because we got a call from just about every one of our parents this weekend. And today even the Dean of the School of Management asked me what my doctor has…

  • Belly Love

    Belly Love


    Last night, I posed for an amazing local photographer, Melissa Surprise, who is working on a project of expecting mommas doing yoga. It was tons of fun and her pictures are beautiful!!! Go visit her blog at to see the pictures (and my giant belly)! P.S. let me know if you think you’re interested…