young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Birth Plans Second Time Around

    Birth Plans Second Time Around


    Aside from sheer exhaustion and pants that are getting a little harder to button, it’s almost easy to forget that I’m pregnant.  We get so busy with our days that, unless my body reminds me to slow down, I don’t think too much about it.  A large part of that is the “been there, done…

  • Play Group

    Play Group


    Just a quick milestone celebration. ย Today this goofy girl went to her very first playgroup all on her own and loved it. We decided that it might be good for Nora to spend some time with other kids and other adults this summer, so she’ll be going one day per week to a playgroup run…

  • Cherry Breakfast Biscuits

    Cherry Breakfast Biscuits


    Chris had to work Father’s Day, but we still managed to surprise him with a little morning celebration, started off with a card Nora picked out all on her own.  It is Snoopy and pop-up which she loved instantly, but when I read it after buckling her into her car seat to go home, I…

  • A Little Family Math

    A Little Family Math


    I can’t believe I’ve been so bad about posting lately.  But, in my defense, we’re working on some family addition and I have been exhausted. I actually took not just one but two naps yesterday (which is why the obligatory Father’s day homage to the awesome Dada in our family never happened).  I have to apologize if…

  • GAE reunion, day one

    GAE reunion, day one


    Yes, I’m still here and still alive.  Just failing at my blogging New Years Resolution and neglecting you all in lieu of lots of good food and good company. Strawberry rhubarb crisp Juice bar ice cream with three of my favorite ladies. We’re all together for the first time since before I moved to Nantucket,…

  • Strawberry Things

    Strawberry Things

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    I’m so tempted to post a Wordless Wednesday post, but I feel guilty for neglecting the blog so much that I’m not going to let myself do it. ย So instead, I’ll share pictures of pick-your-own strawberries at Bartlett’s Farm and tell you what we’ve been up to the past couple days, which is just about…

  • Rambling Film Friday: Anniversary & Marriage & Stuff

    Rambling Film Friday: Anniversary & Marriage & Stuff

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    Sunday was Chris and my fifth anniversary. Yesterday, we celebrated with our first date in over a year.  We ate an amazing dinner at American Seasons, which was utter perfection from atmosphere to service to food. Then we headed over to watch the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket put on Noises Off.  The play was wonderfully…

  • Cowboy Cookies

    Cowboy Cookies


    I am one of those people who bakes for happiness.  If I’m upset or a little bummed out, mixing and stirring is all it takes to find a little joy.  Most of the time, I don’t even eat my creations, it’s the making that is therapeutic.   Today I was definitely more than a little…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Battle Brewing Over Labeling of Genetically Modified Food, NY Times — Battle heats up over GMO labeling; note what GMA says foodcos will do if it passes. A Life Worth Ending, New York Magazine — The era of medical miracles has created a new phase of aging, as far from living as it…

  • Shyness Update

    Shyness Update


    Not long ago, I asked for some advice about Nora’s shyness and if it was normal for a child her age or excessive.  I got a ton of comments, Facebook messages and emails, and I really appreciated all of them so much.  I think one of the things I most love about my online community…

  • Good Things Come

    Good Things Come

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    We’re exhausted. ย Well, at least the grownups in this family are…I don’t think Nora has any concept of exhaustion that goes from day-to-day. No, she is a well of youthful energy, which sounds ridiculous for me to say given that I’m not that old.  I don’t think. Or maybe I am. I’m certainly old enough…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: 90 Percent of Corn Seeds Are Coated With Bayer’s Bee-Decimating Pesticide, Mother Jones — Boo! Does Thinking About God Improve Our Self-Control?, Wired — This is really interesting, especially because they found that you don’t have to believe in a God to be impacted by thoughts of one A Generation Hobbled…

  • An Even Better Time Cover

    An Even Better Time Cover


    I have one more thing to say about being mom enough, and that’s this: Rixa, of Stand and Deliver, took the time to make a Photoshop template of the Time Magazine cover and invited her readers to make covers of their own.  I took the bait, and after thinking a while, this is my contribution:…

  • Extended Nursing and Being Mom Enough

    Extended Nursing and Being Mom Enough

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    Unless you’re living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about last Friday’s Time Magazine cover story on attachment parenting and the “controversial” image of a 26 year old mom from Los Angeles, Jamie Lynne Grumet, breastfeeding her three year old son.  Depending upon who you might ask, the photograph of Grumet and her son is either…