Working Mom

  • Work-Life Balance Interview: Meg Appleby

    Work-Life Balance Interview: Meg Appleby


    Last July, as I was working figuring out how to better balance my life, I started interviewing other people who seemed like they have it all together.  I always had the intent of sharing these interviews with you, so I recorded them for both video and audio sharing. Seven months later, I’ve finally made time…

  • If You’re Serious About Business, You Have To Put Your Kids in Daycare

    If You’re Serious About Business, You Have To Put Your Kids in Daycare


    Friday, on my Facebook Page, I shared this video of Professor Robert Kelly being interviewed by the BBC, and having his children walk into the room: It’s quite the funny little moment (although probably not so much for Professor Kelly), and any of us who have tried to work at home with kids can surely…

  • Divided Attention Is Better Than No Attention

    Divided Attention Is Better Than No Attention


    There was a post on Motherlode last week arguing that we should give kids our undivided attention or none at all.  The author called for parents to  eliminate the “vast middle ground of half paying attention to them all the time — e.g., checking your email for just long enough that they finally wander off…

  • Moving Forward

    Moving Forward


    These two girls are my world.  They make me happier than anything I ever could have imagined, and I feel so lucky to have them in my life. The last few months there have been a lot of challenging moments.  A lot.  I’ve realized that we are in one of the natural low points of the…

  • Oh, Hello…

    Oh, Hello…

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    Just coming up for air before diving back into a million and one website projects.  I am juggling four websites right now and about to start another.  I had hoped to stay right on schedule and complete each of my weekly websites on time, but other than the first one, all of my other clients…

  • Labeling a Life of Work and Family

    Labeling a Life of Work and Family

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    It seems I’ve forgotten how to blog…and maybe dial the phone, too.  Thank goodness for Facebook where I can at least post an occasional status update or photo as a means of reassuring my mother (all the way down in Texas) that, yes, we’re still here and still doing fine. I had realized toward the…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    This is my second report card on how I’m doing at meeting my housewife challenges.  (Remember I said I was going to hold myself accountable to you every other Sunday.) I haven’t been too enthusiastic about creating challenges for myself, so there are only two so far: Get (and keep) the grocery bill under budget…

  • All Joy and Lots of Fun

    All Joy and Lots of Fun


    Last week’s New York Magazine cover article “All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting” was a real downer – in case you couldn’t figure that out by the title – and written by a journalist (and mother), Jennifer Senior, who definitely takes the glass half-empty approach. The article opens with a tale of…

  • In like a lion

    In like a lion

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    I can’t believe it’s March already. And Nora is six months already. I mean, really, she’s sitting. And getting ready to crawl – which will truly keep us on our toes. I don’t even know if I’m ready for that level of parenting: outlet covers and baby gates and oh my goodness she was just…

  • Childcare



    I never imagined just how incredibly awful it is to find quality, affordable childcare for a newborn. Of course, I procrastinated on it, because I was secretly hoping Chris would find a job that would pay enough for me to stay home with her… When I finally realized that wasn’t going to happen, I figured…