
  • Thanksgiving Part 2

    Thanksgiving Part 2


    We’re nearly at the end of December, so it seems like I ought to take the time to share photos from the second half of our trip to Austin, visiting with Chris’ mom, step-dad, siblings and extended family. When we first arrived, we had a little time warp forward to this month: Chris’s brother and…

  • Thanksgiving Part 1

    Thanksgiving Part 1

    in ,

    Our little family went to Texas!  This Thanksgiving, Chris’ family very, very generously offered to buy us plane tickets so that we could visit his hometown for the first time in more than 4 years.  After a very short discussion about the harm (or lack there of) of letting Nora miss two days of kindergarten,…

  • 30 Days of Thanks

    30 Days of Thanks


    Not too long after I hit publish on my post about starting a school, I realized that I can’t be as absent from the blog as I had written, because there is no way I can let November go by without doing another 30 Days of Thanks post. Two years ago, I started a tradition…

  • Film Friday: Thanksgiving

    Film Friday: Thanksgiving


    I’m sneaking in a post this morning, and it’s a Film Friday post!  I haven’t made a video for a long time, mostly because I haven’t been shooting a lot of footage because it’s hard to do since I don’t actually have a video camera.  Everything I take is recorded with my DSLR or laptop,…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Thanksgiving

    30 Days of Thanks: Thanksgiving


    I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving and stuffed themselves just full enough with wonderful food.  We had a wonderful feast filled with all the usual suspects,minus the turkey, of course, and with a few delicious chef Chris twists.  We did our normal holiday division of labor: I bake the pies and rolls the night before, and…

  • Post Thanksgiving/Redo

    Post Thanksgiving/Redo


    We were lucky enough to spend Nora’s first Thanksgiving at Marc & Margarete’s with the whole Cassalina clan, which is just about as good as having our own family around, but we realized meant no leftovers at our house, and missing some of our favorite foods, so we decided to have a second Thanksgiving on…