
  • Getting Stuff Done

    Getting Stuff Done

    in , ,

    It’s two am and I really should be sleeping, but I’m having one of those nights when I can’t stop myself from trying to catch up, at least a little, on my emails, website work, blogging, and a million other things.   One of the big downsides to Chris’ super long work days is that…

  • Breathless



    There are moments as a parent when I just don’t know how to breathe. Sweet moments when the breathlessness accompanies deep rivers of love, like when I melt at the perfect baby girl nursing in my arms.  When her dark gray eyes lock into mine and she pauses to give me a magical milky grin.…

  • Preparing a Sibling to Participate in a Birth

    Preparing a Sibling to Participate in a Birth


    One of the biggest reasons we chose to have a home birth is because we wanted to make the transition into a family of four as easy as possible on Nora.  I didn’t want to just disappear for two days to the hospital and then bring a baby home.   I wanted Nora to have…

  • Taking Pause

    Taking Pause


    Yesterday, I wanted to catch everyone up after a week’s worth of giveaway posts (still time to enter and share them, by the way!), but I just can’t seem to get my feet under myself enough to write about happiness and joy.   Like every other parent out there, the news from Sandy Hook elementary school shook…

  • Behavior Modification, Santa and the Elf on the Shelf

    Behavior Modification, Santa and the Elf on the Shelf


    It’s the time of year where I’m due for at least one blog post about how we’re fumbling our way through winter holiday traditions and figuring out what works for our family.  I wasn’t originally planning to write about about Santa today, although he’s been much discussed in our house over the past week or…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Patience

    30 Days of Thanks: Patience


    Today started out exactly the way it ended, with meltdowns and tears over something seemingly pointless to an adult and yet very, very important in Nora’s three year old world.  Like having leftover cranberry sauce cooked into her oatmeal after she said, “Yes, I want cranberry sauce in my oatmeal” or the fact that the blanket on her…