Brotherhood of Theives

  • 30 Days of Thanks: How Things Turned Out

    30 Days of Thanks: How Things Turned Out

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    I posted a silly Instagram yesterday about being thankful for bucket car seats so I could get things done while Zara snoozed, but in reality the past few days I have been thankful for much, much bigger things.  You see, one year ago today my husband came home from a meeting with his employers with…

  • Keep Calm and Love…Wyoming

    Keep Calm and Love…Wyoming


    If you have been following my new Instagram account, you have been getting little hints that something big is in the works for us.  There were pictures of us dropping Chris off at the airport and, of course yesterday’s blog post had photos of us picking him up with Nora’s adorable handwritten sign. (She told…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Fresh Air

    30 Days of Thanks: Fresh Air

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    I’ve been in a bit of a funk the last couple days, largely because of the uncertainty of what’s going on with our lives right now. I wrote a little over a week ago about Chris’ not good work news, but I didn’t go into great detail because I wasn’t quite ready to accept or…

  • Finding Thanks When the Sky is Falling

    Finding Thanks When the Sky is Falling

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    I’ve been thinking about writing this post all day.  Here I am, nine days into my month of gratitude — during which it seems like I ought to be writing blog posts about beach sunsets and adorable  little girls frolicking through the woods — and I’m having the sort of day that makes sunsets and…

  • SAHM Confession

    SAHM Confession


    My kitchen is a disaster.  There are picture books strewn through the living room, in stacks in the dining room and falling from the shelves in Nora’s room.  And when everyone else’s toddlers are asleep,I jammie up Nora and head over to the Brotherhood for a little “late-night” visit with Dada, play in the upstairs…

  • What I’ve Been Doing Instead of Blogging…

    What I’ve Been Doing Instead of Blogging…

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    It seems like it’s been forever since I wrote an actual blog post (nearly a week!), but we’ve been hard at work and play the last few days. I finished up a website for Caitlin Marcoux, my fabulous yoga teacher and new friend, early in the week and have spent a lot of time finalizing…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing

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    Finds of the Week: In lieu of some Etsy Love, this week I want to invite you to surf over to The Brotherhood of Thieves website…because I built it! Originally, their site looked like this: And now, it looks like this: It has large flash galleries with photos of the restaurant and delicious food, online forms for…

  • End of Summer

    End of Summer


    I can’t believe we are mid-way through August already.  Only 18 days until a little someone turns two and only 12 days until we start to get Chris back.  Time just speeds by, and there’s a million things that I’m trying to cram in before September, which is why I’ve been such a slacker about…

  • Cooking Lessons With Chris

    Cooking Lessons With Chris


    As promised, here’s the video from the Plum TV visit to the Brotherhood. Chris is in the second half of the video. My, do I think my hubby looks handsome in this. He’d make a great TV chef! 🙂 And, in case you were wondering, both of those dishes are just fabulous.

  • Sunday Funday


    Yesterday was pretty fabulous.  It started out good and just seemed to get better and better – and I’m talking about more than winning a $700 stroller.  Chris got up with Nora, as is our weekend tradition, and I got to sleep in until 9:00, which always feels ridiculously decadent.  I never would have thought…

  • And It Begins


    What, I have a blog?  And I’m supposed to be writing updates about our life on it?  Oh, yeah. I can’t believe how things have been getting away from me the past few weeks.  I feel like I’ve been working around the clock, with Nora, babysitting, keeping house, and doing computer work at night.  And,…