Report Card
Not too much to report — or maybe I’m just feeling lazy after today’s amazing Indian Summer picnic and romp through the park.Yes, those are short-sleeves and barefeet…and I was wearing a tank-top. That’s what I get for blogging about fleece and tights!Not that we’re going to complain about extra days of summer, no m’am.Of…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the week: Adequacy of Milk Intake During Exclusive Breastfeeding: A Longitudinal Study, Pediatrics — Results of this prospective study reveal that when mothers are well supported and follow the World Health Organization recommendation on breastfeeding, milk intakes are high and increase over time, and there is adequate energy intake, normal infant growth, and…
Changing Seasons
At the beginning of the month, we were still running around in short sleeves. Still building “sand castles” and pretending it’s summer. Not long before that — just days — we were taking advantage of one last chance for bathing suits, water, and ocean discoveries. Then, just like that, the weather changed and now we’re…
Catching Flies With Vinegar
Whoever said, “It’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar,” must have never heard of apple cider vinegar.Inevitably, this time of year, fruit flies take over my kitchen. My normally bug free home becomes a casualty of canning and bringing extraordinary amounts of farm fresh produce onto my kitchen counters and dining room table. I’ll pretend…
Spilled Milk
Every so often, not too frequently, I have a day when I wish I could completely check out as a parent; when I wonder, why am I staying at home with my still(!?!)-nursing toddler instead of putting her in daycare and going to work where I can interact with grown ups and go more than…
Watermelon Cream
Recipe inspired by The Juice Bar See more recipes here. Can I post one final ode to summer? Because, I’m going to. One of our favorite places on island is The Juice Bar. It’s located right on Broad Street, just steps from the ferry, and is the ONLY place on island at which it’s worth buying ice…
Report Card
The biggest accomplishment of this week? Nora’s room is finally finished!You may have noticed when I unveiled her newly decorated bedroom that she didn’t have anything besides a sheet on her bed. I was having a really hard time deciding what get for her bed. Many toddler bedding sets have characters on them, which are not my…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: In lieu of some Etsy Love, this week I want to invite you to surf over to The Brotherhood of Thieves website…because I built it! Originally, their site looked like this: And now, it looks like this: It has large flash galleries with photos of the restaurant and delicious food, online forms for…
I just had to pop in and share this, even though it’s not Tuesday anymore. But we’ll pretend (there’s still a Wordless Wednesday post coming later today), because it makes me laugh every time I scroll past it in Picasa.Nora is turning into such a ham, which is surprising because, though she was a very happy and…
Getting Creative, Yep, Yep, Yep
Have you ever seen the Sesame Street martians? About a month ago, Nora watched a YouTube video with them in it, and she’s been talking about them ever since. For the first couple of days she mostly just talked about how they say, “Yep, yep, yep” and “were being silly.” Then she asked to watch…