Report Card
๐ NantucketNot too much to report — or maybe I’m just feeling lazy after today’s amazing Indian Summer picnic and romp through the park.Yes, those are short-sleeves and barefeet…and I was wearing a tank-top. ย That’s what I get for blogging about fleece and tights!Not that we’re going to complain about extra days of summer, no m’am.Of…
๐ NantucketI just had to pop in and share this, even though it’s not Tuesday anymore. ย But we’ll pretend (there’s still a Wordless Wednesday post coming later today), because it makes me laugh every time I scroll past it in Picasa.Nora isย turningย into such a ham, which is surprising because, though she was a very happy and…
Saying Goodbye
๐ NantucketToday is both a happy and a sad day. ย Today is the last day that I will be watching Mr. T.I’ve known for a long time that Mr. T’s mama, my good friend Logan, really wanted to stay home with him. ย I certainly understand the feeling, having worked full-time (and then some) when Nora was…
Our Other Children
๐ NantucketI don’t write about or photograph him often, but we have another child…our poor red-headed stepchild, Pip: Pip is, by our best guess, a whippet mix.ย He was rescued from the streets of Puerto Rico and packed with hundreds of other dogs into a massive adoption event held by the Connecticut SPCA. ย How we came…
Saturday Surfing
๐ NantucketFinds of the week: $5 Challenge, Slowfood USA —ย This September 17, you’re invited to take back the ‘value meal’ by getting together with family, friends and neighbors for a slow food meal that costs no more than $5 per person. Cook a meal with family and friends, have a potluck, or find a local event.…
End of Summer
๐ NantucketI can’t believe we are mid-way through August already. Only 18 days until a little someone turns two and only 12 days until we start to get Chris back. Time just speeds by, and there’s a million things that I’m trying to cram in before September, which is why I’ve been such a slacker about…
A New Date Night
๐ NantucketTuesday night is date night around here. ย As soon as Mr. T leaves, we change our clothes, do our hair, and make sure we’ve gone potty before heading out the door. I’m talking about me and Nora, of course. It’s worked out that most weeks, I take Nora into the Brotherhood once for dinner.ย Since…
And The Rest Of It
๐ NantucketAs I wrote in my last post, we had a grand old time on vacation in New Hampshire, doing all kinds of new and exciting things and spending time with my family.But not everything was easy swinging, as is life with a toddler… It goes without saying, horseshoes were not the only things being thrown.…
From One Island to Another
๐ NantucketIt’s been quiet around here, because I was away on vacation with no internet access. I had intended to write posts and have them publish automatically while I was gone, but with everything else that needed to get done before I left, it just didn’t happen. I hope you didn’t miss me too much! We…