Amber’s Blog
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: Believe…LOVE is what’s for Christmas, Beyond Breathing Blog — Please check out my friend Margarete’s post inviting people to give gifts in honor of her daughter Jena (random acts of kindness). You can read more about Margarete in my blog post here. Convention on the Rights of the Child, United Nations…
‘Tis the Season for Craftiness
One of the reasons I am much more in the holiday spirit this year is because it is an extra excuse for making crafts, and because of how much Nora enjoys those crafts. We’ve made a few of the traditional art projects (tissue paper wreath bring back any holiday memories?) and we’ve been making things…
New Website
In case you’ve been wondering what I’ve been up to, I thought I would share my latest website, which you can see above. I love this site! Everything from the colors and background to the slider and layout makes me happy. In addition to designing and building the site, I also created the logo, set…
Carrot Apple Ginger Juice
Our own recipe, although we weren’t the only ones to think this up… See more recipes here. I know I’ve talked about the juicer my grandmother bought us before, and how awesome it is. I’ve also mentioned how we no longer buy juice at the store, something that we started as a cost-cutting measure and…
All I Want to Do
There are a million things going on this week, and all I want to do is find a comfy place to plop down… Sorry Saturday Surfing didn’t happen, or Sunday…or even today. Things might be a little quiet around here this week as I try to finish up some websites by the end of the…
A Little Friday Catch-up
This week has been lovely. We’ve had a clean house, and several days of cancelled plans which meant plenty of time to laze about and just enjoy one another’s company. We baked cookies(a nice change from my normally decadent baked goods — healthier (sort of, maybe?)) jam thumb printsmade with cherry and pineapple preserves my…
Teaching (and Debating) Breastfeeding
At 9:30 a week ago tonight, my cell phone rang. By the time I was down the stairs and into the dining room (praying the ring wouldn’t wake up Nora), it had stopped. I didn’t recognize the number, and so I didn’t bother to listen to the message. Ten minutes later, though, curiosity got the best…
Apple Butter
Whenever I make apple butter, I always think of my brother Brandon. Growing up, I never really liked apple butter, but he loved it. Chris loves it too, and I’ve come around enough to eat my own apple butter, so it’s generally a fall tradition. The thing I like about canning apple butter is that…
Yesterday was Stroll on Nantucket, the last really big weekend for tourists before things quiet down for the winter. Last year, Nora napped through most of the day and only woke up in just enough time for me to force her to sit on Santa’s lap — something she was not thrilled about — so this…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: Apple Juice and Arsenic: It’s the Sugar, Dummy, Fooducate — I’m a big proponent of no juice, too. We don’t buy it all all anymore. Nora drinks water and occasionally whole milk or decaf herbal tea. As a treat, we break out the juicer (usually to make carrot juice) or she’ll…
Thankfulness vs. Desire
It felt a little funny not to post yesterday about what I am thankful for. I very much enjoyed my 30 day thankfulness project and the fact that, even on less than easy or “bad” days (of which there were only two), I was still able to find things for which to be thankful. In…
Voluntary Simplicity: An Overview and Environmental Argument for Adoption
As we consider the necessity of a car here on our little island, now ten days into our great experiment, I’ve been thinking a lot more about voluntary simplicity and living lightly upon the earth, not just for environmental reasons, but also for reasons of greater personal fulfillment and the pleasure of more time to enjoy life…
30 Days of Thanks: You
Someone needs to tell the weather that it’s almost December. I’m almost to the end of my thankfulness project, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you, my lovely readers. When I first started this blog as a way of trying to make myself feel better about leaving Nora for 8+…
30 Days of Thanks, Quickly
Just a short little post since I got sucked into building a website and didn’t realize that it was after midnight!Today, I am thankful for: beautiful weather and ferry boats to wave goodbye to; having websites to play around with; that tomorrow is Chris’ day off; and, most especially, for my mom, who is still doing…