Amber’s Blog
Extended Breastfeeding
You know you’re an attachment parent when your toddler takes her baby doll to town not in a stroller, but a baby carrier. You also know you’re an attachment parent when you spend way more time than necessary thinking about the portrayal of extended nursing on last night’s television show. Chris was excited to discover…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: An Author Returns To ‘The Little House’ All Things Considered – I loved these books, too, as a girl; I think they might be what started my interest in voluntary simplicity and (unsuccessful) attempt in college to spent a summer with an Amish family. Hitting the Bottle, NY Times – OpEd…
Nighttime Parenting
Infant and toddler sleep may be one of the most controversial aspects of parenting. There are dozens of philosophies and ideas about where, how, and for how long babies should sleep. Alone. In the parent’s room. In a bassinet. In a co-sleeper (how that turns out). In the parent’s bed. On their backs. Swaddled. Or,…
Hiring Help
In the world of parenting blogs, there has been much discussion lately of how we “do it all”: cooking healthy and homemade meals, maintaining an immaculate house, and raising perfect and adorable children, all while finding time to blog about it. Of course, the answer is, we don’t. No one “does it all”. The meals…
Mother’s Day
in MotherhoodOne of my first memories is of hiding from my mother. I was seven or eight. My brother, Brandon, and I were crouched behind the living room sofa just steps from the kitchen where we had snitched cookie dough from the refrigerator. We huddled behind a wall of yellow fabric, fortified with foam and springs,…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week Child-Care Money Has Biggest Effect on Fertility WSJ — Government money spent on child care to help families manage work-life balance helps raise fertility rates more than money given directly to families to subsidize births, according to a report released today by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). So…
Big Girl
in MotherhoodI may not mention it as much as I used to, but I am still completely in awe of Nora. How she could go from being nothing to this amazing little person who runs and plays,does arts and crafts,and plants flowers,in hardly any time at all, is unbelievable. I look at her sometimes and I…
I love spring on Nantucket. It’s so wonderful to see the island come alive again after months of a cold, desolate downtown. The anticipation of summer grows as one by one shops and restaurants set up window displays and open their doors for business. And in true Nantucket decadence, the community and island visitors gather…
And It Begins
What, I have a blog? And I’m supposed to be writing updates about our life on it? Oh, yeah. I can’t believe how things have been getting away from me the past few weeks. I feel like I’ve been working around the clock, with Nora, babysitting, keeping house, and doing computer work at night. And,…
I Made That!
Remember Housewife Challenge #4? The one where I said I was actually going to use my sewing machine…but then didn’t really follow through on (except for one Christmas dress)? Well this weekend I got serious. Really serious. Because I actually do want to do it; I don’t want my hobbies take a back burner to…
Quick Update
The kids are sleeping both of them…at once! That hasn’t happened for weeks, so I thought I would take advantage of the moment to post a quick update before I get down to business. We’ve been having lots of fun this past week catching bubbles and trying to figure out how to blow them.It’s one…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: Literary Mama – All I can say is, how did I not know about this before this week!?!? Amazing, amazing online literary journal for “the maternally inclined.” I wish I had more time because all I want to do is read every post ever posted in their archives. Go check it…
With Silver Bells and Cockel Shells
Just stopping by to say that I can’t get enough of my little helper. Over the last few weeks, we’ve been getting the yard ready for spring. Even though we don’t have the space for a real garden, I’ve got big plans for one tiny strip of dirt that gets sunlight in our postage-stamp yard,…
Saturday Surfing
My house is a disaster and I have tons of work to do, but I have a bunch of things I want to share this week, so better late than never, right? Cesarean Rates by State, 2009 on The Unnecessarian DIY Paint Chip Easter Garland on Modern Parents, Messy Kids – A super easy, cheap,…