Amber’s Blog
Mother’s Day
I was going to write something profound about Mother’s Day and being mom enough, but it’s 11:05 and I’m watching Nora bounce up and down on the couch singing songs so the most I can muster is a run down of our lovely weekend, starting with yesterday’s picnic and afternoon at the beach when Nora…
Film Friday: Nantucket 24
in Film Friday๐ NantucketSort of last minute back in October, I heard about the Nantucket 24 project, a project which invited anyone on island to shoot footage on the day of October 8th and submit it to be edited into a movie. It’s sounded like a cool project, so I used my tiny little Nikon to record…
Asparagus Stir-fry Over Saffron Rice
๐ NantucketOne of my absolute favorite things about spring is asparagus. It’s one of those vegetables that I used to hate as a kid because I only ever had it mushy out of a can…once I discovered the real thing, I was hooked. Of course, the season for fresh, local asparagus is short everywhere, but it seems it…
Saturday Surfing
๐ NantucketFinds of the week: Beyonce Breastfed…for 10 weeks, Blacktating — I couldn’t have said it better. Beyond Good And Apathy: What Does It Mean To Do Good In The Age Of The Internet?, Her Bad Mother — A look at the motivation for doing good through the lens of blogging and self-interest (I.e. donating $…
Looking for Words of Wisdom
I’ve mentioned here and there that Nora is a shy and relatively slow to approach person, but I haven’t spent a huge amount of time talking about it aside from the post about feeling bad for not standing up for her. Chris and I were hoping this would just be a phase that she would…
Portobello-Stuffed Poblanos
๐ NantucketEvery once in awhile, I decide to break out of our $65 per week grocery routine and try something new and “fancy” (which really just means requiring more than one pot). Usually, this corresponds with the arrival of my latest issue of The Vegetarian Times and Chris’ day off. My subscription to The Vegetarian Times…
My First Review!!
A couple weeks ago, I was really excited to see an email from Fresh Produce, a coastal-inspired clothing company, asking me if I wanted to review something from their spring line. I haven’t done any compensated reviews before because the offers that came my way didn’t mesh with my philosophies and because I’m not really…
Daffodil Festival
๐ NantucketThere wasn’t a Saturday Surfing post yesterday because the day was packed full of wonderful Nantucket festivities. The whole town was decked out in yellow and green, and jam-packed full of visitors celebrating spring. Of course, I love any opportunity to dress up Nora,so to the children’s parade we went, where there were lots of…
Film Friday: Twice as Nice
in Film Friday๐ NantucketFor a couple days now, I have been helping out a friend and watching her daughter. Miss C and Nora are best buddies and have been having a blast playing together every afternoon.(In fact, Nora was so excited about Miss C coming over on Thursday that she camped out in front of the door waiting…
When I Grow Up…
๐ NantucketWith warm weather has come another first: independent outside play. Nora is so excited to be able play just outside the kitchen window with Pip as her watchdog, and I’m grateful for newness that entertains while I wash dishes. Standing inside, elbow deep in suds, I watch my little girl through a screen and feel…
Carrot-Cheddar Skillet Cakes
๐ NantucketYou’d think that being home all day would give me plenty of time to cook up an intricate, multi-dish dinner. Not so. When I’m chasing after a two year old all day, there is surprisingly little time left for meal planning, let alone hours for food prep (especially since I’m home alone during the standard…
๐ NantucketWith Chris’ six day per week, 10-14 hours per day schedule, and my working while Nora sleeps, we are on a completely different schedule from most everyone else. We stay up late and wear pajama’s until 10…or 11. We go out for breakfast more than dinner. Saturday’s and Sunday’s don’t mean much to us; our…
A Request
๐ Nantucketobin Harvey, wife of Brotherhood owner, EJ Harvey, co-owner of the SeaGrille with him, and a valued member of the Nantucket community, was hit by a drunk driver while riding her bicycle last night. Robin is in critical condition in a Boston hospital. Please keep Robin and her family in your thoughts, prayers, and meditations.
Confession Two…
I’ve finally realized that I can’t really call myself a stay-at-home mom anymore. Yes, instead of checking into and office from 9-5, I spend my days at home and out-and-about exploring the world with Nora… But, between my design business, teaching tiny tumblers, and providing occasional lactation support, I have been working at least 30…