
  • Nantucket Massage Therapy Gift Card

    Nantucket Massage Therapy Gift Card


    If you live on Nantucket, I know you’re going to be super excited about today’s giveaway. I often talk about going to yoga classes (building my yoga practice is one of my Housewife Challenges, in fact) and about the fabulous Caitlin Marcoux who not only wows me with her amazing yogic abilities but also is…

  • Petticoat Row Bakery Giveaway

    Petticoat Row Bakery Giveaway


    This is the post where I torture you with photos of amazingly delicious baked goods. If you have followed my blog for even 10 minutes, you know that I have one weakness (well, maybe more than one, but sugar tops the list), and you have seen this place in more posts and photographs than I…

  • Bartlett’s Farm Cookbook Giveaway

    Bartlett’s Farm Cookbook Giveaway


    You all know how important eating locally and seasonally is to me and Chris, and how much I love summer CSAs, pick-your-own strawberries (x2!), and picking and canning ridiculous amounts of tomatoes. But I won’t lie, it’s taken me a while to adapt to eating on Nantucket where everything is more expensive, the growing season…

  • Jeanne van Etten & Nantucket Mermaid Giveaway

    Jeanne van Etten & Nantucket Mermaid Giveaway


    When I initially started thinking about doing a giveaway, the first person I thought to include was Jeanne van Etten of Nantucket Mermaid. I met Jeanne a couple of years ago at a networking event for Petticoat Row, our local women’s business association. I was new to Nantucket and just thinking of starting Papoose when…

  • Exciting News!!

    Exciting News!!


    First of all…I have a cute kid. But, I guess that’s not really exciting news, because we all knew that, right?  🙂 The other exciting news of the day is that tomorrow starts a new and wonderful tradition on this little blog: I still feel so grateful for the more than 100 people who participated…

  • The Best Anniversary Present Ever, a.k.a. I Win

    The Best Anniversary Present Ever, a.k.a. I Win


    I have a delicious and fabulous recipe to share, but I realized as I was putting together the pictures that I never wrote about the  fifth anniversary gift I gave Chris, which is crazy considering how much I love it.  Thus, the recipe is going to wait until tomorrow (although you’ll get a little ingredient sneak…

  • My First Review!!

    My First Review!!


    A couple weeks ago, I was really excited to see an email from Fresh Produce, a coastal-inspired clothing company, asking me if I wanted to review something from their spring line.  I haven’t done any compensated reviews before because the offers that came my way didn’t mesh with my philosophies and because I’m not really…

  • It’s Here!!!

    It’s Here!!!


    Just when I was starting to think that the whole free stroller thing was completely fake, look what showed up on my doorstep!As you can imagine, we were all pretty excited.  Nora kept talking about how “Mama win this for you,” and as soon as we put it together, we were out the door to try it…

  • A Family Portrait

    A Family Portrait

    in ,

    It’s amazing how much things can change in a year. Last year at this time, we were new parents, barely sure of what we were doing (now, we’re mostly sure…sometimes).  Last year, we sent out a Christmas card that was just one big picture of Miss Nora. We were nowhere to be found on that…