young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Zara and Me

    Zara and Me


    Chris and I were marveling at how different Zara looks from Nora as a baby, and then my mom sent over a picture of me from the hospital. Now we know where all that black hair and those chubby cheeks came from!

  • Perfection


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    I’m still working on Miss Zara’s birth story, but I wanted to share a quick update on how we’re doing.  And, honestly, the title of this post says it all.  I couldn’t imagine a better beginning to our little entry into the world.  Everything about this experience, from the birth to the past two days…

  • Introducing…



    Zara Beatrix Hinds Born at home this afternoon, January 6th, at 12:48 p.m. 7lbs 10oz, 19.5″ long We are resting and doing well after a beautiful and speedy birth.  More to come in the next few days; thank you all for your loving words and thoughts.

  • 2013 Resolutions

    2013 Resolutions


    I woke up this morning to a little voice asking, “Is it January?”  We have spent a long while talking up January, and in the last few days January and New Years Eve is all Nora has been hearing about, from story and craft at the library to the concert she danced her way through…

  • Peppermint Fudge Cookies

    Peppermint Fudge Cookies


    I am so, so, so close to finishing a couple websites, it is killing me.  So instead of sitting around staring at my email box, I decided to make myself useful and make cookies. The kind of cookies that I’ve been dying to make since I secretly rejoiced at Nora’s rejection of her stocking peppermint…

  • I think I Might Be Nesting

    I think I Might Be Nesting

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    I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas had a wonderful little break.  I’ve been working away trying to get websites finished, several of which are behind schedule despite my best efforts.  I’m still glad I did my pre-baby special (I got some really great clients and projects out of it), but I also learned…

  • Winter Solstice + Giveaway Winners!!

    Winter Solstice + Giveaway Winners!!


    Happy Solstice!  Nora missed the memo about today being the shortest day and was up bright and early (far before the sun) out of sheer excitement about opening presents.  We managed to hold her off for a while with an episode of Caillou on my laptop before having to acknowledge morning and let her at…

  • Keep Calm and Love…Wyoming

    Keep Calm and Love…Wyoming


    If you have been following my new Instagram account, you have been getting little hints that something big is in the works for us.  There were pictures of us dropping Chris off at the airport and, of course yesterday’s blog post had photos of us picking him up with Nora’s adorable handwritten sign. (She told…

  • Business Decisions

    Business Decisions


    As always, I am long overdue for an update on Papoose. I haven’t said much about it since World Breastfeeding Week, largely because World Breastfeeding Week felt like my last-ditch effort to garner some additional support and interest in my goals for supporting Nantucket families. I put my heart and soul into planning and executing…

  • Taking Pause

    Taking Pause


    Yesterday, I wanted to catch everyone up after a week’s worth of giveaway posts (still time to enter and share them, by the way!), but I just can’t seem to get my feet under myself enough to write about happiness and joy.   Like every other parent out there, the news from Sandy Hook elementary school shook…

  • Pink or Blue?

    Pink or Blue?


    The last giveaway for this week is more of a fun little game I like to call   I am 36 weeks pregnant now, which means we are no longer counting months, but are counting weeks until Peach is born and we finally get to meet him or her.  Since we love the nine month…

  • Nantucket Massage Therapy Gift Card

    Nantucket Massage Therapy Gift Card


    If you live on Nantucket, I know you’re going to be super excited about today’s giveaway. I often talk about going to yoga classes (building my yoga practice is one of my Housewife Challenges, in fact) and about the fabulous Caitlin Marcoux who not only wows me with her amazing yogic abilities but also is…

  • Petticoat Row Bakery Giveaway

    Petticoat Row Bakery Giveaway


    This is the post where I torture you with photos of amazingly delicious baked goods. If you have followed my blog for even 10 minutes, you know that I have one weakness (well, maybe more than one, but sugar tops the list), and you have seen this place in more posts and photographs than I…

  • Bartlett’s Farm Cookbook Giveaway

    Bartlett’s Farm Cookbook Giveaway


    You all know how important eating locally and seasonally is to me and Chris, and how much I love summer CSAs, pick-your-own strawberries (x2!), and picking and canning ridiculous amounts of tomatoes. But I won’t lie, it’s taken me a while to adapt to eating on Nantucket where everything is more expensive, the growing season…