
  • Building a Parenting Library — Recommended Reading

    Building a Parenting Library — Recommended Reading

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    I mentioned awhile ago that I received a $500 grant to start our La Leche League library.  I had a lot of fun thinking about the books I would recommend to local moms and what was helpful to me the first or second time around.  Of course, there were significantly more books that I wanted…

  • I think I Might Be Nesting

    I think I Might Be Nesting

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    I hope all of you who celebrate Christmas had a wonderful little break. Β I’ve been working away trying to get websites finished, several of which are behind schedule despite my best efforts. Β I’m still glad I did my pre-baby special (I got some really great clients and projects out of it), but I also learned…

  • Pink or Blue?

    Pink or Blue?


    The last giveaway for this week is more of a fun little game I like to call Β  I am 36 weeks pregnant now, which means we are no longer counting months, but are counting weeks until Peach is born and we finally get to meet him or her. Β Since we love the nine month…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Homebirth and Our Midwife Sybille

    30 Days of Thanks: Homebirth and Our Midwife Sybille

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    I took Nora for her three year old check up today (we were a little late last year and now are doomed to forever be off on her check ups because of insurance).  She’s 28lbs, around 34 inches tall, and just perfect, growing on her own little curve at the bottom of the charts. I’m…

  • Friends, Yoga, Love and a Whole Lot of Gratitude

    Friends, Yoga, Love and a Whole Lot of Gratitude

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    Six months have flown by and now that summer’s over and I’m 15lbs heavier with a belly out-to-here, we’re just about in countdown mode for Peach’s arrival. Everyday, Nora tells me, “Wow, Mama, your tummy is getting really, really big!” and perfect strangers now feel comfortable asking me when I’m due and what I’m having…

  • Nesting, a.k.a. I’m Not Crazy, I Swear

    Nesting, a.k.a. I’m Not Crazy, I Swear


    I know we aren’t going to have a baby for five months.  I know there is absolutely no reason why I need to be setting anything up yet… Except that we got an actual bookshelf for Nora, so we moved the changing table out of her room and upstairs, where it sat for the last…

  • Big Sister

    Big Sister


    I am incredibly behind on blogging, but I had to share these pictures of us telling Nora she is going to be a big sister. We knew there would be no way I could sneak a pregnancy by Laura, Margarete and Trish (not with a trip to the brewery planned), so before they came out…

  • Birth Plans Second Time Around

    Birth Plans Second Time Around


    Aside from sheer exhaustion and pants that are getting a little harder to button, it’s almost easy to forget that I’m pregnant.  We get so busy with our days that, unless my body reminds me to slow down, I don’t think too much about it.  A large part of that is the “been there, done…

  • A Little Family Math

    A Little Family Math


    I can’t believe I’ve been so bad about posting lately.  But, in my defense, we’re working on some family addition and I have been exhausted. I actually took not just one but two naps yesterday (which is why the obligatory Father’s day homage to the awesome Dada in our family never happened).  I have to apologize if…

  • Saturday Surfing


      Finds of the week: Breech Options, Bellies and Babies — an excellent look at birthing options for breach babies (and lots of information on getting them to turn). Breastfeeding – Our Country’s Lactation Intolerance, Huffington Post — Op Ed referencing the ridiculous notion that the Breast Milk Baby will sexualize young girls. Β In the…

  • Big News


    We have some exciting news to share: And who better to tell it than Nora, who learned a new word this week. [youtube=””]

  • A birth story


    I started pondering the art of sharing after reading the birth story of Dr. Rixa Freeze‘s third child, Inga. Inga was born at home on March 2nd in a surprise unassisted birth — the midwife arrived 5 minutes after she was born — and Rixa posted the birth story a few days after the birth.…