Big News


We have some exciting news to share:

And who better to tell it than Nora, who learned a new word this week.


About the Author


6 responses

  1. YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!! <3 <3 <3

  2. Lovelorn Poets Avatar
    Lovelorn Poets

    Wow! That is awesome news! 🙂 Gotta get out there to visit you this summer again for sure!

  3. Jessica Myers Avatar
    Jessica Myers


  4. Imogen @ Alternative Mama Avatar
    Imogen @ Alternative Mama

    Oh my goodness!! 😀 CONGRATULATIONS!!! 😀 xoxoxoxoxoxoxox

    (did you get my email btw? I think my webmail is playing up…)

  5. so excited for you! You are an amazing mama! How go things with the shop?

  6. Meagan Avatar

    Woot! Woot! Super excited for you. We’ll have to talk again soon. Sorry we got cut off last time. Hooray for another Hinds Baby!

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