
  • To Nora, at Eleven

    To Nora, at Eleven


    Today is Nora’s eleventh birthday. At times I feel like Nora’s birthdays are celebrations, but also tiny losses. They’re bittersweet moments to marvel at future possibilities and find joy in the past year’s accomplishments, but also moments when I mourn the loss of tiny, sticky fingers reaching for my hand or slow, warm breath as…

  • Nora and Pocket

    Nora and Pocket


    Girl and her dog โค๏ธ I was a little skeptical about getting a tiny dog at first – we’re just not little dog people – but Pocket has turned out to be the perfect addition to the family. #mutt #rescuedog  

  • First Day of First Grade

    First Day of First Grade


    This morning my biggest girl started 1st grade.  She moved from the primary classroom to an elementary classroom at her Montessori school, which means she will be learning alongside not just other first graders, but also second, third, and fourth graders.  After a final summer in a preschool program, Nora was more than ready to be…

  • Film Friday: Conversations with Zara

    Film Friday: Conversations with Zara


    I promised some more videos of Zara, so here’s a little idea of what a conversation with her is like at 20 months. ย This video was taken the last week of August, just before she stared going to “school.”   And for fun, here is a clip of Nora from around the same age. ย ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Nora at 5

    Nora at 5


    Nora is 5!! We celebrated her birthday today with a party with friends. ย The theme was Frozen, of course, because it is her favorite thing (like all pretty much every other five-year-old American girl) and I’ve given up fighting the Disney princess mania. ย After her party, we took a few minutes to record her birthday…

  • Rhubarb Cupcakes + Nora is 4 1/2!

    Rhubarb Cupcakes + Nora is 4 1/2!


    Last Thursday, Nora turned four and a half.  Looking at this picture, I can’t help but think how wise she is — some of the things she says to me are just amazing, and I wonder how can she only be 4 1/2?  But other moments I find myself tearing up at how quickly she…

  • Fourth Birthday Carnival

    Fourth Birthday Carnival


    Sunday we had Nora’s fourth birthday party. ย Since she is all about the clowns on our street, we decided to have a carnival theme for her party. ย I had a ton of fun putting together all of the decorations for her party, from our carnival signpost and “prizes” to a bunch of fun midway-style games.…

  • Hello, Four

    Hello, Four

    in ,

    Nora has been four for four days now.  We celebrated with our usual family breakfast of her choice before Chris went to work.  She chose the exact same thing as last year: cinnamon rolls and berries, which we ate picnic style on our deck. I made my pumpkin cinnamon rolls with applesauce instead of pumpkin…

  • Throwback Thursday: A Note to Nora

    Throwback Thursday: A Note to Nora


    I’m using “Throwback Thursday” as an excuse to post this amazing photo by Melissa Surprise of Surprise Photography. It is officially Friday morning, September 6th, (but still Thursday in my book since I have not yet gone to bed) and I simply cannot believe that this beautiful girl is four years old. Oh, my Eleanor…

  • Wordless Wednesday: Same Dress, Same Age, Different Girls
  • Wordless Wednesday: 11 weeks, Side-by-Side

    Wordless Wednesday: 11 weeks, Side-by-Side


    I cannot get over how completely unique and different our two girls are.

  • Wordless Wednesday: 3 1/2 Birthday