Moving, Part I
in LifeIn case you missed it, we moved on Wednesday. We are no longer Nantucketers and no longer live 30 miles out to sea. Instead, we are on our way more than halfway across the country in a car stuffed inside and out, to make a new home in the prairie grasses of the cowboy state.No more joking…
The State of the Union
Or at least the state of the Hinds family. 🙂 I’ve thought about and written nearly a blog post a day in my head, but life, as it likes to do, has gotten in the way of me turning those imagined blog posts into reality. For nearly two weeks, I was battling a super nasty bug which…
Count Down
It’s February, Zara is four weeks old today. She’s still sleeping like a champ and we are just 10 days away from our big, big move. Our house looks like a war zone as we try to get everything packed in time all while managing two (super cute!) sisters and, on top of everything this…
The End of Denial
It’s official and there is no more pretending it isn’t happening: Our house is beginning to resemble a warehouse more than a home. We are packing. We are moving…away from my favorite place, 30 miles out to sea, where I thought we would live forever. I want to cry — except I have the perfect,…
Keep Calm and Love…Wyoming
If you have been following my new Instagram account, you have been getting little hints that something big is in the works for us. There were pictures of us dropping Chris off at the airport and, of course yesterday’s blog post had photos of us picking him up with Nora’s adorable handwritten sign. (She told…
A New Chapter
Yesterday, Chris and I opened a new account at Nantucket Bank and on the form where it said employer I wrote “homemaker.” Holy cow! It’s here! I have officially joined the ranks of the under-paid and over-worked nanny-maid-cook-personal assistant-chauffeur-etc. (says Ann Crittenden), and I couldn’t be more thrilled. Since our final trip across the walkway…
Mother nature must have had a read on Nora this week, because the weather was a perfect match for her: cool and rainy early on, but sunny and warm towards at the end. She cut two top teeth on Monday (and she must take after me, because they’re giant). With the teeth came a general…
In Process
It has begun. The mad dash that is packing and moving and relocating a household is underway for the Hinds Family. Of course, this isn’t something too unfamiliar to Chris and me; just 18 months ago we were excitedly telling people about this new house, and 14 months before that was our cross-country pilgrimage to…