**Canning Basics (Read Me First)
This is the first of what’s going to become a series on preserving food. I do a fair amount of canning and freezing. Although I’m no Barbara Kingsolver, and some years I do decidedly more than others, canning is one of the ways that I help to keep our grocery bills under budget while eating as locally…
Blueberry-Cucumber Smoothie
[portfolio_slideshow] Barely Adapted From Vegetarian Times See more recipes here The last few days have felt like fall around here: rainy and a little cool. We’ve been wearing sweaters and jeans almost as often as not, but we still have plenty of delicious farm fresh veggies to work our way through. A couple of weeks…
“Today, I’m Two”
in MotherhoodThree years ago today, Chris and I were living in different cities in different states. He was out here on Nantucket working at 21 Federal for the summer and I was back home in New York. Children were far from our minds; by this point in the summer, we really just wanted to live in…
Under the Sea
We are jumping for joy (as in actually leaving the ground, both feet at the same time, and landing without falling over!) with excitement over Nora’s new “big girl” bedroom. As a reminder, this is what Nora’s room looked like when we first moved here(until last fall when we also crammed an armoire in there). It was…
Report Card
The last five days have been jam-packed, but I couldn’t have been happier with how they’ve turned out and how much I’ve been getting done. I’m not even sure which thing I’m most excited about… There’s my very first attempt at appliqueing which, though obviously not store-quality, didn’t actually turn out that bad. The nearly perfect…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the week: Bananas: The Uncertain Future Of A Favorite Fruit, NPR — Americans consume more bananas than apples and oranges combined. Dan Koeppel, author of Banana: The Fate of the Fruit That Changed the World, gives us a primer on the expansive history — and the threatened future — of the seedless, sexless fruit.…
It’s Here!!!
Just when I was starting to think that the whole free stroller thing was completely fake, look what showed up on my doorstep!As you can imagine, we were all pretty excited. Nora kept talking about how “Mama win this for you,” and as soon as we put it together, we were out the door to try it…
Nora’s Vintage-Inspired, Upcycled Play Kitchen
About 10 seconds after I knew I had a little girl, I knew she was eventually going to have a play kitchen. It’s one of those things on the list of “things I didn’t have but always wanted” (a really cool play house is, too). This past winter when I saw how much all of…
One Week Count Down
In one week, Nora will be two. I know I always say, “I can’t believe…,” well I really can’t. Although, she does seem to be very much a two year old already with a strong independent streak, a chatterbox mouth, and the most adorable little girlishness about her. She certainly is completely different than she was at…