This is our life. The nitty-gritty, day-to-day story of what we’re doing and our adventures as a family. Sometimes detailed, often mostly a photo journal, filled with lots of pictures of cute little people and occasional longer reflections on Hinds family happenings.
Things keep changing, no matter how much I will them to keep still. It’s almost unbelievable that this little girl, who builds sandcastles and begs to be buried was once horrified by the prospect of sand. That the girl wadding out with a friend (faster than Mama can keep up), knee deep, then sitting down, spent summers crying if…
Big Sister
I am incredibly behind on blogging, but I had to share these pictures of us telling Nora she is going to be a big sister. We knew there would be no way I could sneak a pregnancy by Laura, Margarete and Trish (not with a trip to the brewery planned), so before they came out…
Ocean-Induced Joy
For all the moments of uncertainty about the future, I am genuinely in love with my life. I love the sweet satisfaction of finally figuring out how to do some tricky java script thing for a website I’m working on. I love quiet conversations with Chris while our little one sleeps in the next room.…
Play Group
Just a quick milestone celebration. Today this goofy girl went to her very first playgroup all on her own and loved it. We decided that it might be good for Nora to spend some time with other kids and other adults this summer, so she’ll be going one day per week to a playgroup run…
A Little Family Math
I can’t believe I’ve been so bad about posting lately. But, in my defense, we’re working on some family addition and I have been exhausted. I actually took not just one but two naps yesterday (which is why the obligatory Father’s day homage to the awesome Dada in our family never happened). I have to apologize if…
GAE reunion, day one
Yes, I’m still here and still alive. Just failing at my blogging New Years Resolution and neglecting you all in lieu of lots of good food and good company. Strawberry rhubarb crisp Juice bar ice cream with three of my favorite ladies. We’re all together for the first time since before I moved to Nantucket,…
Rambling Film Friday: Anniversary & Marriage & Stuff
Sunday was Chris and my fifth anniversary. Yesterday, we celebrated with our first date in over a year. We ate an amazing dinner at American Seasons, which was utter perfection from atmosphere to service to food. Then we headed over to watch the Theatre Workshop of Nantucket put on Noises Off. The play was wonderfully…
Good Things Come
We’re exhausted. Well, at least the grownups in this family are…I don’t think Nora has any concept of exhaustion that goes from day-to-day. No, she is a well of youthful energy, which sounds ridiculous for me to say given that I’m not that old. I don’t think. Or maybe I am. I’m certainly old enough…
Mother’s Day
I was going to write something profound about Mother’s Day and being mom enough, but it’s 11:05 and I’m watching Nora bounce up and down on the couch singing songs so the most I can muster is a run down of our lovely weekend, starting with yesterday’s picnic and afternoon at the beach when Nora…
When I Grow Up…
With warm weather has come another first: independent outside play. Nora is so excited to be able play just outside the kitchen window with Pip as her watchdog, and I’m grateful for newness that entertains while I wash dishes. Standing inside, elbow deep in suds, I watch my little girl through a screen and feel…
SAHM Confession
My kitchen is a disaster. There are picture books strewn through the living room, in stacks in the dining room and falling from the shelves in Nora’s room. And when everyone else’s toddlers are asleep,I jammie up Nora and head over to the Brotherhood for a little “late-night” visit with Dada, play in the upstairs…