young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Vegetarian Polenta Casserole (Freezer Meal Recipe)

    Vegetarian Polenta Casserole (Freezer Meal Recipe)


    I’m in a local moms group and one of our newest activities is a freezer meal swap.  Last week, we had our first swap and it has been awesome to have ready-made homemade dinners waiting in my freezer.  I loved that I was able to spend an hour cooking one meal, but ended up with four…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Immunized People Getting Whooping Cough, KPBS — “Most of the people who got whooping cough in San Diego County so far this year were up to date with their immunizations, according to county data.  Of the 621 people who contracted the illness, 85 percent had all their preventative shots — calling…

  • Father’s Day Weekend

    Father’s Day Weekend


    Sometimes I still miss salty air and the sound of the ferry boat leaving the harbor — most likely, I will forever miss the ocean and rhythm of days 30 miles out-to-sea.  But here, in Colorado, with rivers, fresh mountain air, and a town full of fun things to do, I can almost forget that I…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week 17 Books to Read Before the Movie Hits Theatres This Year, Hello Giggles — a bunch of books to add to my reading list! A Fight as U.S. Girls Face Genital Cutting Abroad, NY Times — Holy cow, I had no idea Her Party, The New Yorker — an essay from…

  • Divided Attention Is Better Than No Attention

    Divided Attention Is Better Than No Attention


    There was a post on Motherlode last week arguing that we should give kids our undivided attention or none at all.  The author called for parents to  eliminate the “vast middle ground of half paying attention to them all the time — e.g., checking your email for just long enough that they finally wander off…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: The day I left my son in the car, Salon —  This has been going around Facebook so you may have already seen it.  I will admit to having left the girls in the car on occasion in very specific conditions.  I cannot believe this. Men Are Drinking Breast Milk. For…

  • This and That

    This and That


    I have lost track of what has been said and what hasn’t.  The last few weeks have been so filled with ups and downs, good and bad, big, exciting moments and little wonderful ones. Did I ever update you on our house?  We went up to Gillette at the end of April, did some work on…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: The Art of Mending, The New Yorker — Love this essay from Gabrielle Selz 17 Things People Born In 1982, 1983, And 1984 Are Going Through Right Now, Thought Catalog — I’m getting old Who Best to Plan a Surprise Party for a Teenager? Not Mom, Motherlode — This is coming…

  • The Latest Path in Our Journey

    The Latest Path in Our Journey


    The last few weeks, we have found ourselves walking down a very unexpected path.  The short story is that I have a nodule on my thyroid for which I am about to undergo a second round of testing to hopefully rule out cancer. The longer version of the story goes something like this:  Two years…

  • Mother’s Day

    Mother’s Day

    in ,

    There’s been a lot of perfection lately. Monday we had fun discovering a new park after an awesomely killer stroller strides class.  There was gorgeous summer weather, friends, and a fossil-filled wall perfect for climbing. Even our little bee was able to climb off the ground.  I was at once amazed and terrified by her…

  • Moving Forward

    Moving Forward


    These two girls are my world.  They make me happier than anything I ever could have imagined, and I feel so lucky to have them in my life. The last few months there have been a lot of challenging moments.  A lot.  I’ve realized that we are in one of the natural low points of the…

  • Screen-Free Sundays

    Screen-Free Sundays


    It’s been nearly two months of Sundays since I decided to go screen-free every Sunday as part of my 30 Before 30 goals.  Two months later, I am still in love with the idea of having a day where I don’t check email, Facebook or Instagram, and where my girls don’t have to wait for me to…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Past Couple Weeks: Breech Birth Stories, Stand and Deliver — a great round up of links to breech birth stories, including one from an American living in England who chose a vaginal breech birth at an English hospital rather than a US military hospital.  She said, “The secondary miracle is that an…

  • Life As We Know It or Why Contracts for Deed are the Worst Thing Ever

    Life As We Know It or Why Contracts for Deed are the Worst Thing Ever


    I spent most of today in this very spot, staring at this very print.  In fact, it was the subject of today’s photo for my 365 project.  I had a couple of maintenance requests to fulfill for my lovely past clients, and I finished up both a logo and a new website so I spend…