Pocket Dog
We’re feeling very thankful for Pocket the last week after she had a medical emergency and had to spend two days at the animal hospital. She was diagnosed with Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia, or IMHA, isΒ an autoimmune disease in which the body attacks its own red blood cells. Currently she’s taking a bunch of different pills…
Early Spring River Walk
It’s been unusually hot for February so today we went wading in the river!
Girl Scout Cookies
It’s that time again… Girl Scout cookies! And this year we have two selling. Help them meet their cookies sales goals by ordering online. If you live nearby, choose girl delivery and help get cookie boxes out of our garage… Otherwise we’re going to be giving them Girl Scout Cookies for birthday and Christmas presents…
Zara and Pocket
And not to leave Zara out, here’s a photo of her and Pocket. She’s loving having a dog again.
Weaning Zara
π ColoradoThis week, my “baby” officially started preschool. Since we’re a Montessori family, Zara had the benefit of a long transition period as she moved from the toddler to the preschool class over the summer. She’s been spending parts of days and whole days in the preschool class since early June, but September 1st marked the…
July Celebrations
July brings one of our favorite holidays. Β I’m a real sucker for red, white, and blue, summer sun and simple celebrations of unity and promise, so I get super excited when the 4th of July roles around.Β Just like last year, we joined Nora’s school in the Fourth of July parade, only this year she…
Zara’s First Hair Cut
In honor of “Throwback Thursdays,” I’m going to use Thursdays as a day to take a break from my new goal of writing substance and post all of the things from the last few months that I never got around to posting…like Zara getting her first real hair cut. I took her right before we…
Film Friday: Conversations with Zara
in Film Fridayπ ColoradoI promised some more videos of Zara, so here’s a little idea of what a conversation with her is like at 20 months. Β This video was taken the last week of August, just before she stared going to “school.” And for fun, here is a clip of Nora from around the same age. Β π
Days With One
Tuesday, Zara took a big step and headed off to her first day of “school.” Β With the amount of work I have been doing, Chris and I decided it would be good for me to get some extra daylight work hours in, so we signed Zara up for a toddler program two mornings each week.…
Fourth of July Weekend
We were in new territory again this year for the Fourth, discovering how our new town celebrates. The girls and I got up and rushed out the door in time to make it to a parade through old town. We watch the first few floats go by, then joined up with Nora’s elementary school and…