
  • Business Decisions

    Business Decisions


    As always, I am long overdue for an update on Papoose. I haven’t said much about it since World Breastfeeding Week, largely because World Breastfeeding Week felt like my last-ditch effort to garner some additional support and interest in my goals for supporting Nantucket families. I put my heart and soul into planning and executing…

  • World Breastfeeding Week & A Papoose Update

    World Breastfeeding Week & A Papoose Update


    I’ve been pretty quiet about Papoose lately, because aside from teaching Tiny Tumblers classes and doing the occasional private lactation consultation, I haven’t been doing a lot.  I took a break blogging over there when I got pregnant and busy with websites, because there just wasn’t enough time in the day or energy in my…

  • Yoga and Play

    Yoga and Play


    This past session of classes for Papoose were the best yet, especially with the addition of two Tiny Tumblers classes. I love the two hours per week I get to see little people jumping, balancing, running, and rolling. They are so cute, sweet, andย enthusiastic. ย It makes my heart melt when they call out my name…

  • Cow’s Milk And Our Family

    Cow’s Milk And Our Family


    When I was growing up, dinner always came accompanied with (what seemed like) a huge glass of white milk.  In my elementary school cafeteria, we had to drink our entire carton of milk (skim, 2%, or whole, no flavoring there) before being allowed to go to recess.  One of the commonly discussed milestones in the baby-toddler…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    I need to manage my time better.  I just spent 20 minutes deciding on/editing/uploading on a new cover photo for my Facebook timeline.  The dishes are done, the bathroom is clean, and the floors were swept yesterday, but mopping just isn’t going to happen.  Again.  I need to finish a proposal for a web design…

  • Teaching (and Debating) Breastfeeding

    Teaching (and Debating) Breastfeeding


    At 9:30 a week ago tonight, my cell phone rang. ย By the time I was down the stairs and into the dining room (praying the ring wouldn’t wake up Nora), it had stopped. ย I didn’t recognize the number, and so I didn’t bother to listen to the message. ย Ten minutes later, though, curiosityย got the best…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Friendship


    Today, I am most thankful for our friends. I’m thankful for our La Leche League “friends” who get together one morning a month to support one another. ย I love having the opportunity to see how quickly the babies are growing and welcome new little ones. ย I love hearing other moms talk and being reminded of…

  • A Very Wordy Wednesday


    I thought you all might be interested in thisย letterย I mailed to Vice President Biden: Dear Vice President Biden,I was honored to meet you last Thanksgiving during your trip to Nantucket and thankful for your willingness to pose for a photograph with my daughter, Nora, and me. ย The picture made a wonderful edition to her baby…

  • Marathon Webdesign

    Marathon Webdesign


    I posted on the Au Coeur Facebook page yesterday that I was working away on a web design project. ย That might have been an understatement. ย I might have gotten a little carried away and unable to stop, and in a little over a 24-hour time frame, I took the website for Papoose from plain-jane to…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    I feel sorry for my poor neglected blog, but it seems like it’s been one thing after another these past few weeks.  And this last week was all about World Breastfeeding Week.  I spent all my spare time before and after childcare planning and executing.  It all started with, last Saturday, an informational table at the farmer’s…

  • Facing Failure (and Moving Past It)

    Facing Failure (and Moving Past It)


    It’s been a while since I wrote about Papoose and my desire to support Nantucket families, so I thought I’d take a moment to update everyone on how it’s going: Through the generosity of friends and family, I received $2,715 to put towards opening the store.ย  I am incredibly grateful for the support I received,…

  • Talking About Birth


    As I begin to position myself as an information source, an expert of sorts, on pregnancy, birth, and parenting, I’ve had to spend time thinking about what type of information I want to relay.  Through Papoose’s website, Facebook page, and in-store customer interactions, I’ll be sharing news and information that may be of interest to…