Finding Home
It has been three months since we moved to Wyoming and though we miss our Nantucket life and friends, we’re now fully integrated into our new community and finding things to love. I started a La Leche League group in April and have been pleased with both the turnout and the support from the community,…
And We’re There
Any minute now, I am expecting Chris home from his first day of working as the executive chef of a restaurant that is officially open to the public. We haven’t seen much of him the last few days outside of a few minutes we can sneak in here and there…here and there typically being the…
Saturday Surfing
📍 WyomingFinds of the Week: Assortment — A new blog I discovered about a family of five living in 665 square feet 27 Awesome Vintage Photos of Moms, Mental Floss — Love the pictures of moms and kids from long, long ago. And, I really want that 1926 stroller/bicycle. Dirty Diaper Laundry’s 3rd Annual Flats and Handwashing…
Getting Stuff Done
📍 WyomingIt’s two am and I really should be sleeping, but I’m having one of those nights when I can’t stop myself from trying to catch up, at least a little, on my emails, website work, blogging, and a million other things. One of the big downsides to Chris’ super long work days is that…
Saturday Surfing
📍 WyomingFinds of the Week: Elizabeth Smart Says Pro-Abstinence Sex Ed Harms Victims of Rape, Slate’s XXfactor — Exactly what the headline says; she argues that abstinence only education which teaches girls they have more value as virgins can cause them to feel worthless and without value after they are raped Go naked: diapers affect infant…
Restaurant Widow
This time of the year on Nantucket was always the worst. Window boxes were exploding with flowers, cars were draped with daffodils, and fresh spring air was beckoning visitors to meander cobblestone streets and sandy beaches. The Gray Lady’s winter weather was quickly beginning to buzz with sunny expectations of summer tourist season and, after months…
Saturday Surfing
📍 WyomingI know it’s not Saturday — not even close, actually, since there’s barely any Sunday left to speak of, but there are somethings I have been saving all week to share and I’m going to just pretend I got around to doing this yesterday and share them. So here we go with some finds of…
Eating Local in Wyoming
One of the first things I looked up about our new community prior to leaving Nantucket was information on the food scene. Eating sustainable foods, gown locally and in season are very important to us because we believe that is on of the best ways we can remain healthy, minimize our impact on the planet,…