
  • Jelly Gem Rolls

    Jelly Gem Rolls


    Jelly Gem Rolls Recipe Related Post: The Joy of Baking Adapted from Williams-Sonoma Bread See more recipes here

  • The Joy of Baking

    The Joy of Baking


    It’s Wednesday, which means baking day.  But I’m not doing any baking today, because I was so excited  to try something new this week, that I’ve already gone through a whole bag of AP flour.  That’s okay, though, because we’re stocked for a while and I’ve been having lots of fun! I really do think…

  • Buttermilk Bread

    Buttermilk Bread


      Buttermilk Bread Recipe Related Post: The Joy of Baking An Amber Original! See more recipes here

  • Become a Yoga Master

    Become a Yoga Master


    Okay, so maybe I won’t become a yoga master and achieve the secret skill of levitation like in the Sims, but Housewife Challenge #3 is to get back into shape and to start doing yoga on a regular basis again. While I was pregnant, I discovered yoga at the suggestion of my friend Laura, who…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    This is my second report card on how I’m doing at meeting my housewife challenges.  (Remember I said I was going to hold myself accountable to you every other Sunday.) I haven’t been too enthusiastic about creating challenges for myself, so there are only two so far: Get (and keep) the grocery bill under budget…

  • Powell Ears

    Powell Ears


    I started following a mama blog recently by a mama who is a photographer.  She does a fun little thing every Thursday called “You Capture,” where she gives out a topic and encourages people to go out, take pictures for the next week, and then share their pictures the following Thursday.  I’ve been taking a…

  • Preparing for a (Not) Picky Eater

    Preparing for a (Not) Picky Eater


    Thursday is CSA pick-up day and we finally had proof of the existence of summer: a surprisingly heavy bag out of the cooler at Annye’s.  So heavy I was impatient to look inside; I couldn’t even wait to get home before untying the knot and rooting through our treasures.  In addition to the standard fare…

  • Empowerment in Birth

    Empowerment in Birth


    There’s a discussion going on over at the Motherload blog about whether or not there is an ideal way to give birth.  Lisa Belkin seems to think an ideal birth is a fiction, and all that matters is a healthy baby and mother.  I disagree that there isn’t an ideal, because I think there’s enough…

  • All Joy and Lots of Fun

    All Joy and Lots of Fun


    Last week’s New York Magazine cover article “All Joy and No Fun: Why Parents Hate Parenting” was a real downer – in case you couldn’t figure that out by the title – and written by a journalist (and mother), Jennifer Senior, who definitely takes the glass half-empty approach. The article opens with a tale of…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    Are you wondering how I’ve been doing at living up to those Housewife Challenges?  Well, wonder no more, because it’s report card time! We all know that a goal set with no finish line is one that can easily fall to the wayside.  So, to make sure I’m staying on track, I’m going to hold…

  • The Tower

    The Tower


    Despite the heat wave we’ve been having, I still try to get out for a walk or two every day.  The location (and price!)  is really what sold us on our house – it’s a walkable distance to so many things, and I’ve been slowly exploring the island, spiraling out like a web from la…

  • Happiness Is…

    Happiness Is…


    A 4th of July street fair. This has to be the best 4th of July party I have ever seen – but then, like I said, when Nantucket does something, they do it right.  Saturday morning, Nora and I headed down to the Unitarian Church for a public reading of the Declaration of Independence and…