Vacation Day


Lately, I’ve been working almost full time on websites. At least six hours, usually more, every day because I’m trying to get several of them done by the end of the month.  Of course, with Nora, that means I have been pulling some very late nights to get things done.  Friday, was the first day in a long while that I decided I was going to take a vacation day.  I didn’t turn on my computer, respond to an email, or even think website once until after bed time.  It was heavenly.  Instead of trying to sneak in 15 minutes of screen time here and there through out the day, this is what I did:

Made excellent use of the rubber cargo tray in the CRV and loaded it up with free topsoil and compost from the landfill.Did a bunch of yard work with Nora and got our shoes super dirty.Removed our muddy shoes and wiggled our toes in the grass for the first time in 2012.

Painted bird houses and hung them outside.Did laundry and hung that outside, too.Took pictures (with my new camera) of the most beautiful little girland her dog.

Met some of our friends at the park for a romp,which ran energy out of dogsand little girls alike.Oohed and awed at budding friendships and Nora’s walls opening up for loveAnd then headed home for cuddling over library books and a super delicious dinner.  As far as vacation days go, I couldn’t ask for a better one…now back to work.

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One response

  1. Lovelorn Poets Avatar
    Lovelorn Poets

    Great to hear you took a break – we all need to get outside and play once in awhile! 🙂 Love the photo of Nora and the dog – she’s getting tall. 🙂

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