I have two videos to share today. The first is a recording of one of my Tiny Tumbler’s classes. I had top record it since we have so much fun in this class — although there are definitely moments of wandering when it comes to two and three year olds. (Editing this, it was pretty clear that my own little Miss Nora wasn’t paying too much attention on this particular day!) Even with short attention spans, we have plenty of time to get in some gymnastics, yoga, stretching, jumping, running, rolling, and of course a little singing, too.

The second video is from last Sunday morning. Chris went to work early so I didn’t get to go to yoga, but I attempted to do a little at home and actually got about 45 minutes in! Of course, this video is a great look at why it is so much better (easier?) to do yoga in a class instead of at home with my little helper…even if Nora’s attempts at Salamba Sarvangasana are ridiculously cute (and much cuter than mine, since I have pretty much no core strength at all…yet).
P.S. sorry for the poorer quality. I used my computer camera to record these, so they are a little lower resolution.
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