
  • Film Friday: “Yoga” With Two

    Film Friday: “Yoga” With Two

    We made a movie!  A simple one, but hey, something good enough to share for Film Friday, and that is pretty darn exciting. I enjoyed watching all of our old videos last week after we filmed Nora’s birthday interview and so I decided I might try to do an occasional Film Friday post again.  And,…

  • Managing Pain in Labor

    Managing Pain in Labor


    One of the best things about having a photographer take pictures at Zara’s birth is that through the photographs, I’m able to see parts of the birth that I was oblivious to at the time.  I’m able to see things that went on in other rooms and, what was most interesting to me, is seeing…

  • Yoga and Play

    Yoga and Play


    This past session of classes for Papoose were the best yet, especially with the addition of two Tiny Tumblers classes. I love the two hours per week I get to see little people jumping, balancing, running, and rolling. They are so cute, sweet, and enthusiastic.  It makes my heart melt when they call out my name…

  • Become a Yoga Master

    Become a Yoga Master


    Okay, so maybe I won’t become a yoga master and achieve the secret skill of levitation like in the Sims, but Housewife Challenge #3 is to get back into shape and to start doing yoga on a regular basis again. While I was pregnant, I discovered yoga at the suggestion of my friend Laura, who…