Thankfulness vs. Desire
It felt a little funny not to post yesterday about what I am thankful for. I very much enjoyed my 30 day thankfulness project and the fact that, even on less than easy or “bad” days (of which there were only two), I was still able to find things for which to be thankful. In…
Voluntary Simplicity: An Overview and Environmental Argument for Adoption
As we consider the necessity of a car here on our little island, now ten days into our great experiment, I’ve been thinking a lot more about voluntary simplicity and living lightly upon the earth, not just for environmental reasons, but also for reasons of greater personal fulfillment and the pleasure of more time to enjoy life…
30 Days of Thanks: You
Someone needs to tell the weather that it’s almost December. I’m almost to the end of my thankfulness project, and I would be remiss if I didn’t thank all of you, my lovely readers. When I first started this blog as a way of trying to make myself feel better about leaving Nora for 8+…
30 Days of Thanks, Quickly
Just a short little post since I got sucked into building a website and didn’t realize that it was after midnight!Today, I am thankful for: beautiful weather and ferry boats to wave goodbye to; having websites to play around with; that tomorrow is Chris’ day off; and, most especially, for my mom, who is still doing…
Report Card + 30 Days of Thanks
I have a new Sunday routine, starting with going to bed early Saturday night (around 10:00) and then getting up early Sunday to go to yoga. This morning, I hauled my bike out of the basement since we’re experimenting with not using the car, and biked to the studio. I felt stiff and achy on the way…
30 Days of Thanks: Washable Crayons Really Are Washable
All it took was a little water, 7th generation dish soap, and elbow grease. Thank goodness.
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the week: Recently on Papoose: I am now posting Monday-Friday on Papoose’s website about things related to pregnancy, birth, parenting, breastfeeding, health & nutrition, and green living. “Like” Papoose on Facebook to stay up-to-date on new posts as they’re published! For more information about Papoose, please go here. And yes, I still can’t get over the pizza…
30 Days of Thanks: Shaking Hands With Our Leaders
I mentioned last year that Vice President Joe Biden comes to Nantucket for Thanksgiving, and has been doing so for more than 35 years. I was thrilled last year to have bumped into him unexpectedly in town and for him to have agreed to take a picture with Nora and me. I also was a little nervous…
30 Days of Thanks: Thanksgiving
I’m going to be brief because I’m not sure how many people are around reading on days like this, and the last Harry Potter movie is calling me, anyway. Today, was the first Thanksgiving we had on our own — no family or “adopted family” to share the meal with, and you know what? It…
30 Days of Thanks: Little Things
Today, I’m thankful for the wonderful comments I’ve been receiving from friends, family, and readers on my blog, Facebook, and via email about selling (or not) our car. I really appreciate getting a third party perspective on all this, plus it’s so nice to know people are reading my writings and that they aren’t just lost…