This is our life. The nitty-gritty, day-to-day story of what we’re doing and our adventures as a family. Sometimes detailed, often mostly a photo journal, filled with lots of pictures of cute little people and occasional longer reflections on Hinds family happenings.
30 Before 30
Today I am 29 years old and just one year away from 30. While I’m not one to get distressed about the big 3-0, the last year of my twenties does seem like a pretty significant milestone to let go by unrecognized. So I thought, why not put together a list of things I would…
Weekend Joy
There was lots of joy to be found at the end of last week. The weather is getting warmer which means we are venturing out more and more, meeting friends at the playground for first teeter-totter rides: Or are they see-saws? Either way, this was a playground winner. We have a decent sized fenced yard…
Discovering the Discovery Museum
This past week ended up a little different than expected. Last Sunday I agreed to let Chris reformat my computer. I hadn’t done it ever since I bought it and it was definitely bogged down and not running as well as it could. I have Carbonite automatically backing up all my important stuff so it…
Why Colorado
Four hours later, I am still riding high on the excitement from tonight’s interview with a local farm for a working membership to their CSA. I have always enjoyed getting my hands dirty and participating (however possible) in the growth of our food, so when I started looking for a farm to join, I specifically…
We Are Officially One of Those Families…
The house we are renting is a little 3 bedroom/1.5 bath ranch. It’s cozy and recently updated, and though it is a downsize from our house in Gillette, it’s really starting to grow on me. The location is going to be perfect for returning to a walking and biking lifestyle (just as soon as it…
Chapter Four
In four years, this blog has taken me from New York to Nantucket to Wyoming and now to Colorado. Four states in four years is a lot, but I cannot tell you how pleased I am with this most recent move. I took a few days (err, 16) off from blogging and Facebook when we…
End of the SNAP Challenge
I’m catching up with my end of the year work and realized I never wrote a final post for our Food Stamps Challenge. It also just so happens that today we were in the newspaper; the Gillette News Record ran a story about our challenge, along with some pictures of Chris cooking (taken by Daniel Brenner). …
Little One
Yesterday, Zara turned one. I seriously cannot believe how quickly this year has flown by and how wonderfully she has grown through all of the changes in her world. When she was a newborn and we were spending her first weeks packing and moving across country I kept telling her, “this is not what life…
2013 Finis
This past year has been one of the craziest we have ever had. We went from a family of three to a family of four with the birth of our sweet bea. Six weeks later, we left our dreamy island home for someplace far across the country. We bought a giant, gas-guzzling truck, which…
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
Last week was sort of a rough week for me. Chris was gone for work Monday-Friday and though it wasn’t really much different for the girls from when he was working at the restaurant, it just felt different to me. It was hard not having him in the house at night. I was supposed to…
SNAP Challenge Week 1
The first week of our SNAP Challenge went well. We only spent $87.89 at the grocery store and actually have quite a few things leftover so I am going to try to delay shopping until Friday. You can see what we bought and what the price breakdown was on this spreadsheet; I will be updating…
And Then Life Happened
November was the craziest roller coaster of a month. Never in my life have I seen something go from rosy and perfect to miserable and horrible so quickly. One week Chris was cooking in a cabin in the Big Horns for Dick Cheney and just a week later everything was turned upside down. Honestly, when…