Housewife Challenges

Tracking progress toward personal goals during my stay-at-home mom days, mostly on Nantucket.  You can read more about the thoughts behind my Housewife Challenges here.

  • Prioritize!

    Remember my Housewife Challenges?  Last week, I found myself  thinking about writing a new one, but I couldn’t bring myself to commit to it given the fact that I haven’t written a report card in weeks.  Part of the challenges is holding myself accountable and, well, I just haven’t been doing that lately.  Instead, I’ve…

  • What We Eat

    At last week’s LLL meeting, a first-time pregnant mama was there to get information about breast feeding.  It reminded me of how recently I was in that exact same position, and how sad it makes me that most women in the US have little to no experience with nursing before they become pregnant.  I think…

  • Report Card


    I’m quite a bit tardy with a status update, since I skipped the last one in favor of posts for Nora’s birthday.  I figured you wouldn’t mind.  Now, though, it’s time for a little accountability. As a reminder, here are the Housewife Challenges so far: Get (and keep) the grocery bill under budget [read original…

  • Stormy Weather

    We are in the middle of a hurricane.  Literally. This evening, Hurricane Earl made its way up the coast and hit our little spit of sand.  So far, it hasn’t turned out to be as bad as initially projected; last I heard, they were about to downgrade it to a tropical storm.  But it’s windy…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    I don’t want to dwell too long on all the things I didn’t do in the last two weeks.  (Like Housewife Challenge #1, Housewife Challenge #2, Housewife Challenge #3, Housewife Challenge #4…or even writing this post on time.)  Basically I was a big slacker this week, so I’d much rather write about what I did…

  • Use That Sewing Machine

    Use That Sewing Machine

    in ,

    I have a confession to make: I will never be a craft blogger. The thought of finding time not just to write a blog post, but to first make the stuff I’m going to blog about is laughable, considering how long it took me to haul my sewing machine out of the attic — just…

  • Become a Yoga Master

    Become a Yoga Master


    Okay, so maybe I won’t become a yoga master and achieve the secret skill of levitation like in the Sims, but Housewife Challenge #3 is to get back into shape and to start doing yoga on a regular basis again. While I was pregnant, I discovered yoga at the suggestion of my friend Laura, who…

  • Report Card

    Report Card

    This is my second report card on how I’m doing at meeting my housewife challenges.  (Remember I said I was going to hold myself accountable to you every other Sunday.) I haven’t been too enthusiastic about creating challenges for myself, so there are only two so far: Get (and keep) the grocery bill under budget…

  • Report Card

    Report Card


    Are you wondering how I’ve been doing at living up to those Housewife Challenges?  Well, wonder no more, because it’s report card time! We all know that a goal set with no finish line is one that can easily fall to the wayside.  So, to make sure I’m staying on track, I’m going to hold…

  • Keeping House

    Keeping House

    (A.K.A. Housewife Challenge #2) The house is done.  Everything is unpacked and put away, the pictures are hung, flowers are in the window boxes, and it’s clean. Or…it was clean.  You see, we don’t have a dishwasher.  Correction, we don’t have an electric dishwasher, we have me, the human dishwasher.  And if you know me,…

  • Housewife Challenge #1

    Housewife Challenge #1


    Get the grocery bill under budget. There are two major grocery stores on the island: the Grand Union in town and a Stop & Shop.  We go to the Stop & Shop, which off-island would not be my first choice of grocery stores, but it has a larger selection and larger isles (which are important…