young girl writing on chalkboard

Amber’s Blog

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: The Afterlife of Pia Farrenkopf, The New Yorker — This whole situation is just absurd and sad; this particular article looks how Ms. Farrenkopf kept “living” through her virtual doppelganger, and leads me to some interesting thoughts on the definition of self and identity. The Free-Marketing Gravy Train Is Over on…

  • Some Recent Joy

    Some Recent Joy


    Just in case you are wondering, this is going to be one of those photo dump posts… The weather has been flirting with spring, and the end of last week was quite lovely.  I spend my birthday hiking around a new park with the girls and a tribe of mamas and little ones. The weather…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    Finds of the Week: Ten medical tests or treatments you should question as a parent, — I especially like number 2: “Cough and cold medicines for children under the age of 4 years. They don’t really help, and they can have dangerous side effects. Go for the chicken soup, humidifier, and honey (for kids over…

  • 30 Before 30

    30 Before 30


    Today I am 29 years old and just one year away from 30.  While I’m not one to get distressed about the big 3-0, the last year of my twenties does seem like a pretty significant milestone to let go by unrecognized.  So I thought, why not put together a list of things I would…

  • A Ski Trip to the Mountains

    A Ski Trip to the Mountains


    Chris’ family goes skiing in Colorado every year during spring break and this year, for the first time, we lived close enough to join in on the fun.  So, Friday we loaded kids and bags into the car, dropped Pip off for a little “vacation” of his own, and drove 3 hours west to Steamboat…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    We spent the last couple days up in the mountains skiing, so this post is a day late, but since I did bookmark things this week, I thought I’d post it anyway.  So here were my interesting finds of the week: Advice For Eating Well On A Tight Budget, From A Mom Who’s Been There,…

  • Rhubarb Cupcakes + Nora is 4 1/2!

    Rhubarb Cupcakes + Nora is 4 1/2!


    Last Thursday, Nora turned four and a half.  Looking at this picture, I can’t help but think how wise she is — some of the things she says to me are just amazing, and I wonder how can she only be 4 1/2?  But other moments I find myself tearing up at how quickly she…

  • Weekend Joy

    Weekend Joy


    There was lots of joy to be found at the end of last week.  The weather is getting warmer which means we are venturing out more and more, meeting friends at the playground for first teeter-totter rides: Or are they see-saws?  Either way, this was a playground winner. We have a decent sized fenced yard…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


      Finds of the Week: 10 Reasons Why Handheld Devices Should Be Banned for Children Under the Age of 12, Huffington Post — YES!! About That ‘Common Core’ Math Problem Making the Rounds on Facebook…, Patheos Friendly Atheist — Has a photo of a “dumb” math method popped up in your Facebook news feed this…

  • Some Recent Work

    Some Recent Work


    Yesterday was a big website day for me.  I had three sites go live all in the same day, so I thought I might show them off a little. Linger This website is for Linger, a lingerie boutique in Spring Lake, New Jersey. It’s mainly a blog for the owner, Kelly, to share fun things…

  • Chocolate Whole-Wheat Waffles

    Chocolate Whole-Wheat Waffles


    One of the less realized impacts of Chris’ crazy schedule back in Wyoming was that we had moved away from cooking and eating big breakfasts together as a family.  Since we never had dinner together on Nantucket, we had developed a giant family breakfast tradition every morning before we walked him to work.  That tradition…

  • Saturday Surfing

    Saturday Surfing


    On occasional (these days) Saturdays, I share things I have found interesting in the past week. This week’s finds: 16 Things to Know Before You Have Urban Chickens, Life Rearranged — I want chickens so bad and now that we actually live somewhere where they are allowed… Acetaminophen Use During Pregnancy, Behavioral Problems, and Hyperkinetic…

  • Work Space

    Work Space


    On Tuesdays and Thursdays, Nora practically runs away from me in her rush to get to school. She is loving the cute little Montessori preschool we found for her in a renovated house, making a bunch of friends, and having such a grand old time she hardly wants to be at home. (Or stop for…

  • Discovering the Discovery Museum

    Discovering the Discovery Museum


    This past week ended up a little different than expected.  Last Sunday I agreed to let Chris reformat my computer.  I hadn’t done it ever since I bought it and it was definitely bogged down and not running as well as it could.  I have Carbonite automatically backing up all my important stuff so it…