I wrote a while back that I might use Thursdays as an opportunity to play catch up on all the things I never blogged, in honor of “Throwback Thursday” — and then I proceeded to not blog at all…and apparently not take pictures off of my camera, either, because when I went to get pictures for Tuesday’s blog posts I found these gems still waiting on there:

February (!) valentine making and the only real snow we got all winter.

Unlike our island friends who were walloped all winter long, we had very little snow this year.
Then, Nora’s half birthday celebration with her heart-shaped, frosting-less cupcake:

She definitely takes after her dad and his not-so-very sweet tooth. This year was the first year that we could give her books she could read herself, so we gave her a Pinkalicious set, but I really like the time we spend reading together, so we also gave her Tuck Everlasting.
April brought Nora another new ride, which I got in trade for some website work:

I finally decided to call it quits on hauling 60lbs of kids + food and gear + sometimes a dog in our Burley trailer, so now when we go on family bike rides, Nora peddles behind Chris and I only have to haul Zara (and everything else). Hooray for bartering; one of my favorite things!
May was mostly gray and rainy, but we did get a few nicer days, and when I wasn’t working we were spending every dry moment outside.

Zara is so much more kid than toddler. Watching her on the playground (or anywhere really) is bittersweet – she does too good of a job keeping up with the big kids, whether climbing, swinging, or riding her first real horse.

Oh little lambs, your mama better pay close attention or one day she’ll awake to find you all grown up.
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