We made a movie! A simple one, but hey, something good enough to share for Film Friday, and that is pretty darn exciting.
I enjoyed watching all of our old videos last week after we filmed Nora’s birthday interview and so I decided I might try to do an occasional Film Friday post again. And, since I’ve been meaning to update my Housewife Challenges now that we are settled in our new, new house in Wyoming, it seems like my yoga challenge was the best place to start with a video. I once posted a video of me playing at yoga with little Nora and so I thought it would be fun to show what it’s like for me to try to do yoga at home with two kiddos. Let me tell you, it is hard! It is hard enough to find time amidst my craziness, but it is even harder to get a decent amount of exercise with one little girl who wants to be held and another who thinks it’me doing yoga is an opportunity for her to get a ride. This video shows exactly that. 🙂

I love doing yoga with the girls because I want them to be exposed to it, but I’m also starting to feel a little desperate for a real yoga class with grown-up yoga partners. I haven’t done real yoga since the day before Zara was born, and boy do I miss it! I miss the time away during which I could go into myself. I miss the studio community. I miss my wonderful friend, teacher, and inspiration, Caitlin. And I miss the rush after a class when I was sweaty and sore, but high on endorphins. Even as I type this, I can’t help but want yoga even more. I haven’t been able to go yet because of a combination of Zara and Chris’ schedule, but that’s about to change. I think Chris is about to start getting more time off again and Zara is definitely eating more than enough food to survive an hour without me, so I am officially going to recommit myself to my goal of going to class at least once per week.
I’m not certain that I’ll stick with all my other housewife challenges, but this one I’m not willing to give up. Let’s hope I’ll be able to fine a class and instructor I enjoy as much as on Nantucket.
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