Today, I am most thankful for our friends.
I’m thankful for our La Leche League “friends” who get together one morning a month to support one another. I love having the opportunity to see how quickly the babies are growing and welcome new little ones. I love hearing other moms talk and being reminded of how many amazing mamas live here on island. I’m thankful that LLL exists and is available to help new moms figure out breastfeeding and life with a newborn; I’m so incredibly thankful for all the work that the leader, Sunny, does.
I’m thankful for the blossoming friendship Nora has with Miss E.And for my friendship with her amazing and wonderful mama.
I’m thankful for the wonderful evening we had at their house tonight, sharing a delicious meal that Nora and I cooked
(she totally helped and did way more than just lick the beater, I promise!)
and took over in celebration of Baby M.
Who is cuter by the minute…and who is (it’s possible, just maybe) making me finally start to feel the baby itch again. Just a little…maybe.
I’m thankful for my super-OB friend, Megan, who is going to start blogging over at Papoose soon to help me out. And for the amazing support I’ve been getting from Jess and Sunny, too. I’m so optimistic about where this is going to go — even if it’ll be a meandering path to an actual store front, it’ll be meandering through down some exciting paths.
Last, but not least, I’m thankful for recipe experimentation gone oh, so right, in the form of warm and gooey caramel apple upside-down cake.
If that’s not something to be thankful for, I don’t know what is.
Oh, yes, and I’m thankful for our furry friends too,who are just so much fun to squeeze.
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