
  • 30 Days of Thanks: Diwali

    30 Days of Thanks: Diwali

    in ,

    Yesterday was Diwali and, as is our tradition, we celebrated with a big party filled with friends, food, and candle light.  I was too tired last night to manage two blog posts, but hopefully I can do two today and then I will be all caught up on 30 Days of Thanks.  Yesterday, day 3,…

  • 30 Days of Thanks: Diwali

    30 Days of Thanks: Diwali


    Way, way back when…actually, even further back to when I was a junior in high school, I thought I was in love with an Indian boy.  That relationship is one big complicated story best told over a beer (or three), but the short of it is that, 2.5 years later when the relationship finally untangled…

  • Diwali


    If you know me, you know that I have a fascination with India and Indian culture, and dream of one day traveling to India.  While in high school and college I dated a few Indian boys and I was an officer of the Indian Cultural Association in college (first white officer – maybe only!).  While…