I’ll Never Be a Professional Blogger
Last week in the New York Magazine, there was an article about the Queens of Mommy Bloggers.ย As I read through the article, couldn’t help but think that I will never be a professional blogger.ย These women make hundreds of thousands (maybe even millions) of dollars off their blogs (which would be nice) but they…
Job Skills
๐ NantucketOne of the arguments against stay-at-home parenting that I hear is what a career killer it is to be out of the workforce for a number of years.ย Sometimes, it’s said that the impact of SAH parenting is worse for men because it’s unexpected for them to do so, other times it’s said to be…
Stop & Shop vs. Grand Union
๐ NantucketWe have four grocery stores on island: Annye’s, a natural and organic food market, Bartlett’s Farm Market, which sells their own produce and other imported groceries, and two chain stores Stop & Shop and Grand Union.ย When it comes to frugal eating there’s no question about Annye’s being outside of our budget.ย Bartlett’s has some…
Report Card
๐ NantucketSorry for the lack of a Saturday Surfing post yesterday.ย I was pretty busy this week with my father-in-law’s visit on top of, well, life:I also spent quite a bit more time trying to figure out the grocery budget.ย Chris and I collaborated on a list of all of our staples and I went out…
Being Creative
๐ NantucketLately, we’ve been having a lot of fun exploring creativity.ย Nora made her first painting towards the end of January and she loved it. It didn’t turn out too badly, either.Or maybe I just think that because I’m her mother…
Hugs and Kisses
๐ NantucketWe don’t normally do Valentine’s Day.ย Chris and I don’t buy each other elaborate gifts or plan fancy dinners out or exchange big boxes of HFCS-filled candy in the name of Hallmark Valentine’s Day.ย But this year, we enjoyed celebrating love family-style.ย
Cookie Truffle Kisses
๐ NantucketNora and I made a Valentine’s Day surprise for Chris: giant Oreo truffle “kisses.” This recipe was easy and delicious. Enjoy! Related Post: Hugs and KissesBased on Bakerella’s Oreo KissesSee more recipes here Ingredients Directions Put 30 Newman-O’s in a food processor (that leaves three for you to eat!!!) and pulse until finely crumbled. Add…
Report Card
๐ NantucketEven though it seems like all we do is play and wear toddlers around here, I actually have been pretty good about keeping up with my housewife challenges.
Saturday Surfing
๐ NantucketFinds of the week: Dodging Disney In The Delivery Room NPR – as if new moms aren’t already marketed to enough, here comes Disney… The article is called Feeding babies solids too early may make fat toddlers, but if you read it in depth, the new Pediatric report really says that it will make formula-fed…
in Motherhood๐ NantucketAging is made up of small “adult” moments; moments in which we recognize our parents and elders in ourselves.ย Moments that give us pause; when we realize that somehow sometime we really did grow up and we aren’t just a kid or a teenager playing house.ย I know I’m getting older as these moments start…
Ups and Downs
๐ NantucketGiven how the weekend started — with me LOSING Chris’ signed paycheck Friday night — I wasn’t expecting it to be all that great.ย If you had talked to me Friday evening, you would have gotten a giant dose of glass-half-empty.ย Not only was I mad and frustrated with myself (and more than a little…
Saturday Surfing
๐ NantucketLooking though my hundreds of unread posts in Google Reader last week, I couldn’t help but marvel at how interests evolve, so I thought I would do something a little different this Saturday and build links into an actual post. I follow a few “mom blogs,” like Kelle Hampton’s Enjoying the Small Things whose second…