Nora’s barely two and, all of a sudden, all I can think about is school. It seems a little crazy and a lot ridiculous; five is just so far away, isn’t it? Or maybe it isn’t. Because before we even start thinking kindergarten, we have to think preschool, registration for which happens the February…
Discovering Family
One of my favorites thing about being an adult are the new relationships I’m discovering with my family. People that I once knew only from a child’s perspective or as a face in the group are now great discoveries as individuals and friends. This past weekend, my great-uncle and great-aunt came to visit us from…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: The Beauty Of Boredom, The Mother Huddle — Why our kids should be bored every now and then. Child Slaves Made Your Halloween Candy. Stop Buying It., Good — I think the title says it all. You can buy fair trade chocolate and other better treats at Foodies, Get Thee to…
Cocoa Brownies with Browned Butter and Walnuts
Barely Changed from Bon Appétit, February 2011See more recipes here. I have to apologize now for this recipe. It’s chocolately. It’s gooey. It has a shiny, crackly crust. It has browned butter. Basically, it is the most delicious and addictive thing ever. As Chris said the first…second…and third time I made it in the last…
How It All Began
I’ve received quite a few questions about how we balance working and not-working in our family and why we’ve made the choices we’ve made regarding childcare and work. Many of our friends are currently going through the same process we did of trying to figure out how to best balance life and parenting, and I…
A Very Wordy Wednesday
I thought you all might be interested in this letter I mailed to Vice President Biden: Dear Vice President Biden,I was honored to meet you last Thanksgiving during your trip to Nantucket and thankful for your willingness to pose for a photograph with my daughter, Nora, and me. The picture made a wonderful edition to her baby…
Super Veggie Bread
An Amber Original See more recipes here There’s a lot of discussion in the parenting world about hiding vegetables from our kids. Is it good? Is it bad? Do you do it or not? As vegetarians, we’re pretty firmly in the camp that has obvious vegetables on the plate every night at dinner time —…
Saturday Surfing
Finds of the Week: Fed Up With Lunch — I am obsessively going through the archives of this blog by a teacher who posted pictures of school lunch every day. Gag. I cannot believe the stuff they were serving in her school. And what happened to the compartment-ed cafeteria tray? Everything is in single serving (throw away) packaging. It’s like…
Marathon Webdesign
I posted on the Au Coeur Facebook page yesterday that I was working away on a web design project. That might have been an understatement. I might have gotten a little carried away and unable to stop, and in a little over a 24-hour time frame, I took the website for Papoose from plain-jane to…
Feeling the Joy
I am loving life right now. Loving how my little girl likes to take her animals and babies for walks all the way to town. Loving how she stops, poses, and says, “Mama, take Nora’s picture, ‘kay?” Then tells her monkey to smile.Loving how I still find her incredibly beautiful when she sleeps. And how…
Mini Coloring Pack
Because we’re on a tight budget, we don’t have a lot of extra money for birthday gifts for all of Nora’s little friends. When we got invited to Miss. B’s birthday party, I was wracking my brain deciding what to do until I decided to spend a couple minutes rifling through my fabric stash. I…