This is our life. The nitty-gritty, day-to-day story of what we’re doing and our adventures as a family. Sometimes detailed, often mostly a photo journal, filled with lots of pictures of cute little people and occasional longer reflections on Hinds family happenings.
Wedding Cameras
Remember the disposable cameras that were on each table at our wedding? Well, when we went home for Christmas, my mom gave the pictures to us, and we finally got to look at them only about a year-and-a-half later… There were some good pictures in there, like this one of us and Laura & Chris.…
Grandpa’s Limerick
Grandpa White wrote a limerick for us, which we thought would be fun to share. Thanks, Grandpa! 1/13/09 — Amber & Chris You THREE are now deep in our minds And not just because your name’s Hinds We rejoice with youAt your coming coup As all us together it binds